AA - Auto-attack. Refers to the attack performed with LMB (or chosen controller button). I prefer to call it Basic Attack since this attack is not auto-aimed as it can be in other MOBAs.
Active (Relic) - an item that can be activated like an ability. Currently known as a Relic. They can't be sold after leaving the base.
ADC - Attack Damage Carry. Term generated in other MOBAs. Refers mostly to Hunters and select Mages that rely on their basic attacks for their main damage output.
AFK - Away From Keyboard, meaning someone is not playing for a longer time for various reasons.
Aggro - getting targeted and attacked by computer-controlled enemies.
Ama -
Ah Muzen Cab
AoE - Area of Effect. Abilities that can be placed at a targeted location (or around yourself) and will affect that area.
AS - Attack Speed.
Aura - a passive effect that either increases stats of all nearby allies or decreases stats of all nearby enemies.
B - back, meaning return or move back to the base. Retreat.
Backdoor - attacking an enemy base without the help of minions, usually done by sneaking through the jungle, teleporting or using global ultimates.
Bait - to feign weakness in order to lure the enemy into a trap.
Banish -
See Crowd Control Effects.
Base - usually the area behind phoenixes.
Beads -
Purification Beads relic. Known as just Purification back in Season 3, yet always referred to as beads.
bg - bad game.
blind -
See Crowd Control Effects.
Blind Pick - start of a match where teams can't see which gods enemies are picking. Present in all Normal matches.
Blue - Mana Buff.
BM - bad manners.
BRB - Be Right Back.
Bruiser - someone who can deal damage and be tanky at the same time. Usually a warrior, sometimes assassin with more defensive build.
Buff - positive effect applied to a god.
Bug - a defect in the mechanics of the game that is not intended.
Burst - large amount of damage being dealt in a short time.
Cap - A limit past which something can not rise, for example levelcap is 20.
Carry - player that deals the most damage in the team as the game goes on. or the action of being ultimately responsible for winning a game.
CC - Crowd Control.
More details about them here.
CCR - Crowd Control Reduction.
CD - Cooldown. Waiting time on abilities.
CDR - Cooldown Reduction.
Chalice - new consumable in Season 4 that can be refilled in fountain for more uses.
Channelling - The casting time required to perform certain abilities. For example Anubis'
Plague of Locusts. It can be interrupted by Hard CCs.
Creeps - monsters/minions not controlled by players.
Cripple -
See Crowd Control Effects.
DC - Disconnected.
Debuff - opposite of a buff. It applies negative effects on a god.
Deicide - means that the whole team is dead. Smite's version of Ace.
Denton - Smite's mascot Cyclops that can be often seen in main lobby or victory/lose screens of some gods.
Disarm -
See Crowd Control Effects.
Disorient -
See Crowd Control Effects.
Dive - to pursue a specific target into a highly dangerous area, typically beneath an enemy tower.
DoT - Damage over Time. For example bleed or poison.
DPS - Damage Per Second.
Draft Pick - start of a game where the gods are picked and banned one by one and can be seen by both teams. Present in League matches and some MoTDs (Matches of the Day). Detailed description in "League" chapter.
Elo - A mathematical rating system for a player's relative skill level.
Execute - ability that kills the enemy if his HP falls below required threshold. For example Ao Kuang's
King of the Eastern Seas and Thanatos'
Hovering Death
Exp - short for experience.
Farm - killing minions to gain gold and experience.
FB - First Blood. First kill in the game.
Fear -
See Crowd Control Effects.
Fed - when someone becomes more powerful than the rest of the players usually thanks to kills.
Feed - repeatedly dieing to the enemy team, giving them gold and experience.
FF - Forfeit. Surrender.
FG - Fire Giant. Major neutral objective in Conquest.
Focus - Direct all attacks to a single target.
Fountain - Area in which you spawn. Enemies receive huge damage in this area, while allies have their mana and health restored.
FPS - Frames per Second.
Gank - to ambush one or more unsuspecting enemies with one or more gods.
GF - Gold Fury. Major neutral objective in Conquest.
GG - Good Game.
GJ - Good Job.
GL - Good Luck.
Glass Cannon - god that has a lot of damage, but has very low defenses.
Global - ability that has much longer range, allowing the player to travel to the other side of the map. For example Athena's
Defender of Olympus.
Goobis -
Grab -
See Crowd Control Effects.
Harass - Attacking enemy gods while in laning phase, in order to bring their health down to set up a kill or force them out of the lane.
HF - Have Fun.
HoG -
Hand of the Gods relic.
Hugbug -
Initiate - performing an action which signals allied gods to begin the battle, for example by using Crowd Control on enemy team.
Instalock - to quickly select and lock in a god, usually without discussing it with other teammates.
Intoxication -
See Crowd Control Effects.
Invade - going into the enemy's territory, particularly their jungle.
Juke - dodging skillshots.
Jungle - spaces populated by neutral monsters between the lanes.
Kit - set of god's abilities.
Kite - continuously backing away and attacking a pursuing enemy champion in such a way that the enemy is damaged while unable to deal damage back.
Knockback -
See Crowd Control Effects.
Knock up -
See Crowd Control Effects.
KS - Kill steal. Usually blaming an ally who dealt less damage to the enemy for landing the finishing hit.
Lag - Slow response during the match due to high network connection latency.
Lag Spike - A sudden and often momentary period of severe lag.
Lane - The paths that allied and enemy minions follow.
Last hit - getting a killing blow on a minion. Thou it's not as necessary in Smite as in Dota or LoL lasthitting gives you a bit more gold.
Leash - helping someone in killing buff camp monsters. Usually in early game.
Main - player's favourite/most used god.
Madness -
See Crowd Control Effects.
Manticore - winged lion with scorpio's tail, Smite's mascot. Used to be an enemy on Practice Joust map.
Meta - the game's current play style, consisting of aspects such as lane setup, jungling, and team composition.
Mesmerize -
See Crowd Control Effects.
Minion - (or Creep) a computer controlled ally/enemy that spawns near phoenix and marches in waves on all lanes.
MIA - Missing in action.
Mid - middle lane.
Nerf - an official modification to the game mechanics which makes something less powerful, as opposed to a "buff".
Noob - Unskillful player/inexperienced beginner. Term usually used as an insult.
Noodle - a reference to old Ao Kuang (currently
Nuke - an ability that deals huge amounts of damage in a single hit. For example Ra's
Searing Pain.
Old Wa - a reference to old version of
Nu Wa which had different look and kit.
OP - overpowered.
peel - using Crowd Control and/or damage to force an enemy away from an ally.
Ping - either a latency of player's internet connection or a mark on the map with loud "ping" noise did by other players to warn/inform the team.
poke - type of harass, dealing ranged damage to the enemy players from a safe position.
Premade - a party of friends or clan members playing a match together.
Proc - activation of an effect.
Pull -
See Crowd Control Effects.
Purple - attack speed buff.
Push - to continue advancing forward in a lane, clearing it of minions and towers.
PTS - Public Test Server.
Ragequit - player quitting (leaving) the game due to in-game frustrations.
Red - damage buff.
Relics - active items since Season 3 that work like an extra ability. They take 2 separate relic slots, are currently free and can't be bought after leaving fountain. Second slot unlocks at lvl 12.
Ritual - new consumable in Season 4, works like a single-use ability
RNG - Random Number Generation, game mechanics that utilize randomness, for example used in critical hit chance.
Root -
See Crowd Control Effects.
Sanctuary - Name of
Aegis Amulet in Season 3.
Scrim - two teams competing against each other for fun in a non-tournament game. Usually refers to pro teams practicing.
Silence -
See Crowd Control Effects.
Skillshot - an ability that requires aiming a projectile that could miss its target.
Skin - a different appearance for a god/ward.
Snipe - to hit enemies with long ranged abilities that are rather hard to aim.
Snowball - situation that occurs when a god or team gains an advantage, and continues to use the advantage to win the game.
Slow -
See Crowd Control Effects.
Split push - to continuously advance in one lane while the other members of the team are advancing in another lane.
Sprint - Sprint relic, in Season 4 replaced by
Heavenly Wings.
Squishy - god that can be killed easily due to low base health/defenses.
Stealth - an ability to conceal the user from being seen or detected by enemies. For example Serqet's
Steroid - an ability that increases one or more of a champion's base stats.
Stun -
See Crowd Control Effects.
Suku -
Awilix' mount.
Sustain - capacity for staying in a lane or jungle without having to go back to the base, usually thanks to things like regeneration or healing ability.
Sun Wukong
Synergy - how well two or more gods/players work together.
Tank - a god designed to take high amounts of damage, usually with high CC abilities and low damage. Mostly guardians.
Taunt -
See Crowd Control Effects.
Teamfight - when multiple gods, from each opposing side, gather in one area to battle.
Toxic - a person whose attitude negatively influences the game.
tp - teleport.
Tremble -
See Crowd Control Effects.
Tusky -
Calydonian Boar
Ult - Ultimate. 4th ability in god's kit.
UP - underpowered.
Ward - item that grant vision on certain area.
WP - Well Played.
Zoey -
Zoning - tactics used to prevent enemy god(s) from gaining gold/experience.
Lane swapping issomething they do in LoL:
duo lane is in the solo lane at the start of the game (or during the laning phase) for a while.
It's to get and try to get an early kill or when solo has a bad matchup (I don't know the exact reasons for it)
This kind of does exist on Smite. There's lots of rotations & end game = group fights/split pushing. Everything else about this guide is accurate/great. Nice job.
I feel sad for you Aramey ... so much work to be done when we go into S3 ...
Challenge Accepted! xd
Had my +1 for a while
This is an awesome, perfect guide for beginners. I have to add your link to the definitions & references section of my assault guide. Got a bit of work to do on it anyway, so it's a perfect time to throw it in there!
Edit: Oh, and thanks for linking my guide! So cool!
Holy **** this is a good guide. I don't understand why this doesn't have more praise, it's coherent, well organized, has awesome visuals, and soooooo much content. +inf. Only thing I would change is to possibly add more spoilers so that scrolling through it doesn't take quite so long. Also, can I link players to this on my items guide for stuff I don't cover?
Sure, and I'll link your guide in my item section in return :P
Maybe a guide on how picks and bans work, too.
Other than that, it's a good guide.