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Hunter ADC/Mid Conquest builds Patch (7.11)

23 2 67,271
by Kriega1 updated January 17, 2021

Smite God:

Build Guide Discussion 17 More Guides
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Note 1: Order of boots and Devourer's Gauntlet / Transcendence can be swapped around, depends how much gold you've gotten from being in lane, if you need to back early then go boots first. But going boots first will generally help for being safer in lane and prevent you being easily camped by the enemy jungler.

Note 2: General situational defensive / hybrid items you can build: Magi's Cloak, Mantle of Discord some games, (maybe Relic Dagger, Winged Blade, Void Shield, The Sledge, Bulwark of Hope, Shifter's Shield?) Would substitute for the less necessary damage items in your build (so not your main percentage pen like Atalanta's Bow or bulk DPS items like Qin's Sais, and probably ideally as a lategame boots replacement).

Note 3: The Executioner is generally a poor penetration item option, but can possibly find some use if you are a AA Hunter AND if your team has 4+ physicals and you want to help your team shred tanky frontliners, or if you're a hunter that doesen't utilise Silverbranch Bow that effectively you can consider it as a very late option.

Note 4: If you need Anti-Heal in a Trans Qins build you can get either Brawler's Beat Stick or Toxic Blade (e.g. Hou Yi, Chernobog), depending on which god you're playing, and if they value the extra survivability from Toxic Blade. Also think about how easily the god can apply Brawler's Beat Stick's passive.

Note 5: Remember that if you're building into crit then the enemy frontline (Support/Solo/Jungle) can counter build against you with Spectral Armor and Shield of Thorns, as to which you may want to go a Qins based build instead on a AA Hunter and/or if they're stacking a lot of health in their build. Also Crit doesen't do too well against Geb ( Hard as Rock) and Kuzenbo ( Shell Spikes).

Note 6: When Elixir of Speed and 7th build item is mentioned, that means (lategame) buy Elixir of Speed, and then sell your boots/shoes and buy that 7th item once you have enough gold for it. Do not sell your boots until you have enough gold for that item (also remember that selling boots gives you some gold).

Note 7: Going Qins and Crit together (Generally a lone Rage for crit) isn't typically always build efficient, but it is more common on Jing Wei because Explosive Bolts gives 20% Crit chance at max rank of the ability.

Note 8: If running a second hunter in Mid or a "mage hunter" ( Olorun, Chronos, Sol) in Mid then if you're an ability based hunter you can choose to go the "Trans Ability" build mentioned for Mid in ADC as well (Not always a necessary requirement, but the recommended condition to do it). Hunter in Mid in general is usually run with Double Hunter + 3 Magical team comp or if you're running a mage or mage hunter in ADC.

Note 9: Talaria Boots can have some value on immobile ADCs like Ah Muzen Cab and Skadi, but the item has received past nerfs that make it less desirable even on these gods.

Note 10: Some ability / hybrid hunters like Ullr, Ah Muzen Cab and Neith could possibly skip Asi in Trans Qins builds in favour of a The Crusher or Brawler's Beat Stick instead, due to self sustain in their kit, and a mid to late pickup of Chalice of Healing can also help with lack of lifesteal. Can also depend on if your team has healers.

Note 11: Power spikes are points during the match where you have an advantage in strength over members of the enemy team. In terms of hunter items, this could be for instance a Devourer's Gauntlet you have fully stacked, giving you an advantage in laning phase in terms of sustain from the high amount of lifesteal it offers and the decent amount of power it provides for your auto's (which usually have 100% scaling from your physical power), helping you box the other ADC in lane. Other examples are: a stacked Transcendence, which gives (typically ability) hunters strong damage output on abilities and prevents them easily going out of mana (OOM), Atalanta's Bow, providing you percentage penetration to help shred tanky frontliners building physical protection, and Qin's Sais, which provides a good damage boost on your AAs to all targets, including tanky frontliners (especially when they're itemising into health heavily).

Note 12: For crit builds with Rage, if you're ahead, consider building Rage before Atalanta's Bow to get the stacks sooner for the item passive.

Note 13: For Devo Qins builds, consider getting Qin's Sais before Atalanta's Bow if you have a decent / good attack speed steroid on your hunter and / or the enemy frontliners are itemising early into high health items. Also, Ichaival is a decent item choice in this build path that can be considered as a 3rd item if you need help boxing the other hunter in lane.


Ah Muzen Cab:


Build Path 1 (Trans Qins):

Start - Hunter's Blessing, Morningstar, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Multi Potions.

Build - Warrior Tabi > Transcendence > Asi > Atalanta's Bow > Qin's Sais > Odysseus' Bow / Toxic Blade > Elixir of Speed and Silverbranch Bow.

Item alternatives for Build Path 1: Warrior Tabi for Ninja Tabi (if getting Silverbranch Bow 6th), Silverbranch Bow for Heartseeker / Fail-Not / Titan's Bane.


Build Path 2 (Trans Ability):

Start - Mage's Blessing, Morningstar, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Mana Potions or Charged Morningstar, 3 Healing Potions and 3 Mana Potions.

Build - Warrior Tabi / Ninja Tabi > Transcendence > The Crusher > Heartseeker > Titan's Bane > Odysseus' Bow > Elixir of Speed and Qin's Sais.

Item alternatives for Build Path 2: The Crusher for Brawler's Beat Stick, Titan's Bane for Atalanta's Bow, Odysseus' Bow and Qin's Sais for Fail-Not / Berserker's Shield / Runeforged Hammer / Bloodforge.


AMC Note: Might need a defensive item on him in some games, especially if your team can't peel that well for you.



Build Path 1 (Devos Crit):

Start - Hunter's Blessing, Spiked Gauntlet, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Multi Potions.

Build - Ninja Tabi > Devourer's Gauntlet > Atalanta's Bow > Rage > Wind Demon > Poisoned Star / Shadowsteel Shuriken > Elixir of Speed and Fail-Not.

Item alternatives for Build Path 1: Rage for Fail-Not, Fail-Not / Poisoned Star for Odysseus' Bow / Qin's Sais / Asi.

Build Path 2 (Devos Qins):

Start - Hunter's Blessing, Spiked Gauntlet, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Multi Potions.

Build - Ninja Tabi > Devourer's Gauntlet > Atalanta's Bow > Qin's Sais > Odysseus' Bow > Berserker's Shield > Elixir of Speed and Fail-Not.

Item alternatives for Build Path 2: Berserker's Shield / Fail-Not for Asi / Toxic Blade / The Executioner.


Build Path 3 (Trans Qins):

Start - Hunter's Blessing, Morningstar, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Multi Potions or Charged Morningstar, 3 Healing Potions and 3 Mana Potions.

Build - Ninja Tabi > Transcendence > Asi > Atalanta's Bow > Qin's Sais > Odysseus' Bow / Toxic Blade > Elixir of Speed and Fail-Not.

Item alternatives for Build Path 3: Fail-Not for Berserker's Shield / Heartseeker / Titan's Bane.



Build Path 1 (Devos Crit):

Start - Hunter's Blessing, Spiked Gauntlet, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Multi Potions.

Build - Ninja Tabi > Devourer's Gauntlet > Atalanta's Bow > Rage > Wind Demon > Poisoned Star / Shadowsteel Shuriken > Elixir of Speed and Fail-Not.

Item alternatives for Build Path 1: Rage for Fail-Not, Poisoned Star / Fail-Not for Asi / Qin's Sais / Odysseus' Bow / Deathbringer.

Build Path 2 (Devos Qins):

Start - Hunter's Blessing, Spiked Gauntlet, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Multi Potions.

Build - Ninja Tabi > Devourer's Gauntlet > Atalanta's Bow > Qin's Sais > Odysseus' Bow > Silverbranch Bow > Elixir of Speed and Berserker's Shield.

Item alternatives for Build Path 2: Odysseus' Bow / Berserker's Shield for Toxic Blade / Asi, Silverbranch Bow for Fail-Not.



Build Path 1 (Devos Crit):

Start - Hunter's Blessing, Spiked Gauntlet, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Multi Potions.

Build - Ninja Tabi > Devourer's Gauntlet > Atalanta's Bow > Rage > Wind Demon > Poisoned Star / Shadowsteel Shuriken > Elixir of Speed and Fail-Not.

Item alternatives for Build Path 1: Rage for Fail-Not, Poisoned Star / Fail-Not for Asi / Qin's Sais / Odysseus' Bow / Deathbringer.

Build Path 2 (Devos Qins):

Start - Hunter's Blessing, Spiked Gauntlet, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Multi Potions.

Build - Ninja Tabi > Devourer's Gauntlet > Qin's Sais > Atalanta's Bow > Odysseus' Bow > Silverbranch Bow > Elixir of Speed and Berserker's Shield.

Item alternatives for Build Path 2: Odysseus' Bow / Berserker's Shield for Toxic Blade / Asi, Silverbranch Bow for Fail-Not.



Build Path 1 (Devos Crit):

Start - Hunter's Blessing, Spiked Gauntlet, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Multi Potions.

Build - Ninja Tabi > Devourer's Gauntlet > Atalanta's Bow > Rage > Wind Demon > Poisoned Star / Shadowsteel Shuriken > Elixir of Speed and Fail-Not.

Item alternatives for Build Path 1: Rage for Fail-Not, Fail-Not / Poisoned Star for Odysseus' Bow / Qin's Sais / Asi.

Build Path 2 (Devos Qins):

Start - Hunter's Blessing, Spiked Gauntlet, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Multi Potions.

Build - Ninja Tabi > Devourer's Gauntlet > Atalanta's Bow > Qin's Sais > Odysseus' Bow > Berserker's Shield > Elixir of Speed and Fail-Not.

Item alternatives for Build Path 2: Berserker's Shield / Fail-Not for Asi / Toxic Blade / The Executioner.

Build Path 3 (Trans Qins):

Start - Hunter's Blessing, Morningstar, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Multi Potions or Charged Morningstar, 3 Healing Potions and 3 Mana Potions.

Build - Ninja Tabi > Transcendence > Asi > Atalanta's Bow > Qin's Sais > Odysseus' Bow / Toxic Blade > Elixir of Speed and Fail-Not.

Item alternatives for Build Path 3: Fail-Not for Berserker's Shield / Titan's Bane.



Build Path 1 (Devos Crit):

Build - Ninja Tabi > Devourer's Gauntlet > Atalanta's Bow > Rage > Wind Demon > Poisoned Star / Shadowsteel Shuriken > Elixir of Speed and Fail-Not.

Item alternatives for Build Path 1: Rage for Fail-Not, Poisoned Star / Fail-Not for Asi / Qin's Sais / Odysseus' Bow / Deathbringer.

Build Path 2 (Devos Qins):

Start - Hunter's Blessing, Spiked Gauntlet, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Multi Potions.

Build - Ninja Tabi > Devourer's Gauntlet > Qin's Sais > Atalanta's Bow > Odysseus' Bow > Silverbranch Bow > Elixir of Speed and Berserker's Shield.

Item alternatives for Build Path 2: Odysseus' Bow / Berserker's Shield for Toxic Blade / Asi, Silverbranch Bow for Fail-Not.


Build Path 3 (Trans Crit):

Start - Hunter's Blessing / Mage's Blessing, Morningstar, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Mana Potions / Multi Potions.

Build - Ninja Tabi > Transcendence > Asi > Atalanta's Bow > Fail-Not > Wind Demon > Elixir of Speed and Deathbringer.

Item alternatives for Build Path 3: Deathbringer for Poisoned Star / Shadowsteel Shuriken.

Build Path 4 (Trans Qins):

Start - Hunter's Blessing / Mage's Blessing, Morningstar, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Mana Potions / Multi Potions.

Build - Ninja Tabi > Transcendence > Asi > Atalanta's Bow > Qin's Sais > Odysseus' Bow / Toxic Blade > Elixir of Speed and Silverbranch Bow.

Item alternatives for Build Path 4: Silverbranch Bow for Fail-Not.



Build Path 1 (Trans Qins):

Start - Hunter's Blessing, Morningstar, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Multi Potions or Charged Morningstar, 3 Healing Potions and 3 Mana Potions.

Build - Ninja Tabi > Transcendence > Asi > Atalanta's Bow > Qin's Sais > Odysseus' Bow / Toxic Blade > Elixir of Speed and Heartseeker.

Item alternatives for Build Path 1: Heartseeker for Fail-Not / Berserker's Shield / Titan's Bane.


Build Path 2 (Trans Ability):

Start - Mage's Blessing, Morningstar, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Mana Potions or Charged Morningstar, 3 Healing Potions and 3 Mana Potions.

Build - Warrior Tabi / Ninja Tabi > Transcendence > The Crusher > Jotunn's Wrath > Heartseeker > Titan's Bane > Elixir of Speed and Odysseus' Bow.

Item alternatives for Build Path 2: The Crusher / Jotunn's Wrath for Brawler's Beat Stick, Jotunn's Wrath for Fail-Not, Titan's Bane for Atalanta's Bow, Odysseus' Bow for Berserker's Shield / Asi / Bloodforge.



Build Path 1 (Devos Qins):

Start - Hunter's Blessing, Spiked Gauntlet, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Multi Potions.

Build - Ninja Tabi > Devourer's Gauntlet > Atalanta's Bow > Qin's Sais > Odysseus' Bow > Silverbranch Bow > Elixir of Speed and Berserker's Shield.

Item alternatives for Build Path 1: Odysseus' Bow / Berserker's Shield for Toxic Blade / Asi, Silverbranch Bow for Fail-Not.

Build Path 2 (Devos Crit):

Start - Hunter's Blessing, Spiked Gauntlet, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Multi Potions.

Build - Ninja Tabi > Devourer's Gauntlet > Atalanta's Bow > Rage > Wind Demon > Poisoned Star / Shadowsteel Shuriken > Elixir of Speed and Fail-Not.

Item alternatives for Build Path 2: Rage for Fail-Not, Poisoned Star / Fail-Not for Odysseus' Bow / Qin's Sais / Asi.

Build Path 3 (Trans Qins):

Start - Hunter's Blessing, Morningstar, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Multi Potions.

Build - Ninja Tabi > Transcendence > Asi > Atalanta's Bow > Qin's Sais > Odysseus' Bow / Toxic Blade > Elixir of Speed and Fail-Not.

Item alternatives for Build Path 3: Fail-Not for Berserker's Shield / Titan's Bane / Silverbranch Bow.

Build Path 4 (Trans CDR):

Start - Hunter's Blessing, Morningstar, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Multi Potions or Charged Morningstar, 3 Healing Potions and 3 Mana Potions.

Build - Warrior Tabi / Ninja Tabi > Transcendence > Jotunn's Wrath > Atalanta's Bow > Qin's Sais > Titan's Bane > Elixir of Speed and Odysseus' Bow.

Item alternatives for Build Path 4: Jotunn's Wrath AND Titan's Bane for Fail-Not AND Berserker's Shield.



Build Path 1 (Devos Crit):

Start - Hunter's Blessing, Spiked Gauntlet, 4 Healing Potions.

Build - Ninja Tabi > Devourer's Gauntlet > Atalanta's Bow > Rage > Wind Demon > Poisoned Star / Shadowsteel Shuriken > Elixir of Speed and Fail-Not.

Item alternatives for Build Path 1: Rage for Fail-Not, Poisoned Star / Fail-Not for Qin's Sais / Asi / Odysseus' Bow.

Build Path 2 (Devos Qins):

Start - Hunter's Blessing, Spiked Gauntlet, 4 Healing Potions.

Build - Ninja Tabi > Devourer's Gauntlet > Atalanta's Bow > Qin's Sais > Odysseus' Bow > Silverbranch Bow > Elixir of Speed and Berserker's Shield.

Item alternatives for Build Path 2: Odysseus' Bow / Berserker's Shield for Toxic Blade / Asi, Silverbranch Bow for Fail-Not.



Build Path 1 (Trans Qins):

Start - Hunter's Blessing, Morningstar, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Multi Potions.

Build - Ninja Tabi > Transcendence > Asi > Atalanta's Bow > Qin's Sais > Odysseus' Bow / Toxic Blade > Elixir of Speed and Heartseeker.

Item alternatives for Build Path 1: Heartseeker for Berserker's Shield / Fail-Not / Titan's Bane.

Build Path 2 (Devos Crit):

Start - Hunter's Blessing, Spiked Gauntlet, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Multi Potions.

Build - Ninja Tabi > Devourer's Gauntlet > Atalanta's Bow > Rage > Wind Demon > Poisoned Star / Shadowsteel Shuriken > Elixir of Speed and Fail-Not.

Item alternatives for Build Path 2: Rage for Fail-Not, Poisoned Star / Fail-Not for Odysseus' Bow / Qin's Sais / Asi.

Build Path 3 (Devos Qins):

Start - Hunter's Blessing, Spiked Gauntlet, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Multi Potions.

Build - Ninja Tabi > Devourer's Gauntlet > Atalanta's Bow > Qin's Sais > Odysseus' Bow > Berserker's Shield > Elixir of Speed and Fail-Not.

Item alternatives for Build Path 3: Berserker's Shield / Fail-Not for Asi / Toxic Blade / The Executioner.


Build Path 4 (Trans Ability):

Start - Hunter's Blessing, Morningstar, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Mana Potions or Charged Morningstar, 3 Healing Potions and 3 Mana Potions.

Build - Warrior Tabi / Ninja Tabi > Transcendence > The Crusher > Atalanta's Bow > Heartseeker > Odysseus' Bow > Elixir of Speed and Bloodforge.

Item alternatives for Build Path 4: The Crusher for Brawler's Beat Stick, Atalanta's Bow for Titan's Bane, Odysseus' Bow / Bloodforge for Qin's Sais / Asi / Fail-Not.

Hou Yi:


Build Path 1 (Devos Crit):

Start - Hunter's Blessing, Spiked Gauntlet, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Multi Potions.

Build - Ninja Tabi > Devourer's Gauntlet > Atalanta's Bow > Rage > Wind Demon > Poisoned Star / Shadowsteel Shuriken > Elixir of Speed and Fail-Not.

Item alternatives for Build Path 1: Rage for Fail-Not, Poisoned Star / Fail-Not for Odysseus' Bow / Qin's Sais / Asi.

Build Path 2 (Devos Qins):

Start - Hunter's Blessing, Spiked Gauntlet, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Multi Potions.

Build - Ninja Tabi > Devourer's Gauntlet > Atalanta's Bow > Qin's Sais > Odysseus' Bow > Berserker's Shield > Elixir of Speed and Fail-Not.

Item alternatives for Build Path 2: Berserker's Shield / Fail-Not for Asi / Toxic Blade / The Executioner.


Build Path 3 (Trans Qins):

Start - Hunter's Blessing, Morningstar, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Multi Potions or Charged Morningstar, 3 Healing Potions and 3 Mana Potions.

Build - Ninja Tabi > Transcendence > Asi > Atalanta's Bow > Qin's Sais > Odysseus' Bow / Toxic Blade > Elixir of Speed and Berserker's Shield

Item alternatives for Build Path 3: Berserker's Shield for Fail-Not / Titan's Bane.



Build Path 1 (Devos Crit):

Start - Hunter's Blessing, Spiked Gauntlet, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Multi Potions.

Build - Ninja Tabi > Devourer's Gauntlet > Atalanta's Bow > Rage > Wind Demon > Poisoned Star / Shadowsteel Shuriken > Elixir of Speed and Fail-Not.

Item alternatives for Build Path 1: Rage for Fail-Not, Poisoned Star / Fail-Not for Asi / Qin's Sais / Odysseus' Bow / Deathbringer.

Build Path 2 (Devos Qins):

Start - Hunter's Blessing, Spiked Gauntlet, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Multi Potions.

Build - Ninja Tabi > Devourer's Gauntlet > Qin's Sais > Atalanta's Bow > Odysseus' Bow > Silverbranch Bow > Elixir of Speed and Berserker's Shield.

Item alternatives for Build Path 2: Odysseus' Bow / Berserker's Shield for Toxic Blade / Asi, Silverbranch Bow for Fail-Not.


Build Path 3 (Trans Crit):

Start - Hunter's Blessing, Morningstar, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Multi Potions.

Build - Ninja Tabi > Transcendence > Asi > Atalanta's Bow > Fail-Not > Wind Demon > Elixir of Speed and Deathbringer.

Item alternatives for Build Path 3: Deathbringer for Poisoned Star / Shadowsteel Shuriken.

Build Path 4 (Trans Qins):

Start - Hunter's Blessing, Morningstar, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Multi Potions.

Build - Ninja Tabi > Transcendence > Asi > Atalanta's Bow > Qin's Sais > Odysseus' Bow / Toxic Blade > Elixir of Speed and Silverbranch Bow.

Item alternatives for Build Path 4: Silverbranch Bow for Fail-Not.

Jing Wei:


Build Path 1 (Devos Crit):

Start - Hunter's Blessing, Spiked Gauntlet, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Multi Potions.

Build - Ninja Tabi > Devourer's Gauntlet > Atalanta's Bow > Rage > Wind Demon > Poisoned Star / Shadowsteel Shuriken > Elixir of Speed and Fail-Not.

Item alternatives for Build Path 1: Fail-Not / Poison Star for Asi / Qin's Sais / Deathbringer. Can also, as a build path, switch Rage for Fail-Not AND get Deathbringer 6th AND sell boots late for Poisoned Star / Shadowsteel Shuriken.

Build Path 2 (Devos Qins):

Start - Hunter's Blessing, Spiked Gauntlet, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Multi Potions.

Build - Ninja Tabi > Devourer's Gauntlet > Qin's Sais > Atalanta's Bow > Odysseus' Bow > Silverbranch Bow > Elixir of Speed and Berserker's Shield.

Item alternatives for Build Path 2: Odysseus' Bow / Berserker's Shield for Toxic Blade / Asi, Silverbranch Bow for Fail-Not.

Build Path 3 (Devos Qins + Rage):

Start - Hunter's Blessing, Spiked Gauntlet, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Multi Potions.

Build - Ninja Tabi > Devourer's Gauntlet > Atalanta's Bow > Rage > Qin's Sais > Odysseus' Bow > Elixir of Speed and Fail-Not.



Build Path 1 (Devos Qins):

Start - Hunter's Blessing, Spiked Gauntlet, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Multi Potions.

Build - Ninja Tabi > Devourer's Gauntlet > Qin's Sais > Atalanta's Bow > Odysseus' Bow > Silverbranch Bow > Elixir of Speed and Berserker's Shield.

Item alternatives for Build Path 1: Odysseus' Bow / Berserker's Shield for Toxic Blade / Asi, Silverbranch Bow for Fail-Not / Heartseeker.

Build Path 2 (Trans Qins):

Start - Hunter's Blessing, Morningstar, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Multi Potions.

Build - Ninja Tabi > Transcendence > Asi > Atalanta's Bow > Qin's Sais > Odysseus' Bow / Toxic Blade > Elixir of Speed and Silverbranch Bow.

Item alternatives for Build Path 2: Silverbranch Bow for Fail-Not / Heartseeker/ Titan's Bane.


Build Path 3 (Trans Ability):

Start - Hunter's Blessing / Mage's Blessing, Morningstar, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Mana Potions or Charged Morningstar, 3 Healing Potions and 3 Mana Potions.

Build - Warrior Tabi / Ninja Tabi > Transcendence > The Crusher > Atalanta's Bow > Heartseeker > Odysseus' Bow > Elixir of Speed and Bloodforge.

Item alternatives for Build Path 3: The Crusher for Brawler's Beat Stick, Atalanta's Bow for Titan's Bane, Odysseus' Bow / Bloodforge for Asi / Qin's Sais / Fail-Not / Berserker's Shield.



Build Path 1 (Trans Qins):

Start - Hunter's Blessing, Morningstar, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Multi Potions.

Build - Ninja Tabi > Transcendence > Asi > Atalanta's Bow > Qin's Sais > Odysseus' Bow / Toxic Blade > Elixir of Speed and Heartseeker.

Item alternatives for Build Path 1: Heartseeker for Fail-Not / Berserker's Shield / Silverbranch Bow / Titan's Bane.


Build Path 2 (Trans Ability):

Start - Mage's Blessing, Morningstar, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Mana Potions or Charged Morningstar, 3 Healing Potions and 3 Mana Potions.

Build - Warrior Tabi / Ninja Tabi > Transcendence > The Crusher > Jotunn's Wrath > Heartseeker > Titan's Bane > Elixir of Speed and Odysseus' Bow.

Item alternatives for Build Path 2: The Crusher / Jotunn's Wrath for Brawler's Beat Stick, Jotunn's Wrath for Fail-Not, Titan's Bane for Atalanta's Bow, Odysseus' Bow for Qin's Sais / Berserker's Shield / Bloodforge / Asi.



Build Path 1 (Devos Crit):

Start - Hunter's Blessing, Spiked Gauntlet, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Multi Potions.

Build - Ninja Tabi > Devourer's Gauntlet > Atalanta's Bow > Rage > Wind Demon > Poisoned Star / Shadowsteel Shuriken > Elixir of Speed and Fail-Not.

Item alternatives for Build Path 1: Rage for Fail-Not, Poisoned Star / Fail-Not for Asi / Qin's Sais / Odysseus' Bow / Deathbringer.

Build Path 2 (Devos Qins):

Start - Hunter's Blessing, Spiked Gauntlet, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Multi Potions.

Build - Ninja Tabi > Devourer's Gauntlet > Qin's Sais > Atalanta's Bow > Odysseus' Bow > Silverbranch Bow > Elixir of Speed and Berserker's Shield.

Item alternatives for Build Path 2: Odysseus' Bow / Berserker's Shield for Toxic Blade / Asi, Silverbranch Bow for Fail-Not.



Build Path 1 (Trans Qins):

Start - Hunter's Blessing, Morningstar, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Multi Potions or Charged Morningstar, 3 Healing Potions and 3 Mana Potions.

Build - Ninja Tabi > Transcendence > Asi > Atalanta's Bow > Qin's Sais > Odysseus' Bow / Toxic Blade > Elixir of Speed and Berserker's Shield.

Item alternatives for Build Path 1: Berserker's Shield for Fail-Not / Heartseeker / Titan's Bane.


Build Path 2 (Trans Ability):

Start - Mage's Blessing, Morningstar, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Mana Potions or Charged Morningstar, 3 Healing Potions and 3 Mana Potions.

Build - Warrior Tabi > Transcendence > The Crusher > Jotunn's Wrath > Heartseeker > Atalanta's Bow > Elixir of Speed and Bloodforge.

Item alternatives for Build Path 2: The Crusher / Jotunn's Wrath for Brawler's Beat Stick, Jotunn's Wrath for Fail-Not, Atalanta's Bow for Titan's Bane, Bloodforge for Qin's Sais / Berserker's Shield / Runeforged Hammer / Asi / Odysseus' Bow.


Skadi Note: Might need a defensive item on her in some games, since she can be easily dived.



Build Path 1 (Trans Qins):

Start - Hunter's Blessing, Morningstar, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Multi Potions.

Build - Warrior Tabi > Transcendence > Asi > Atalanta's Bow > Qin's Sais > Odysseus' Bow or Toxic Blade > Elixir of Speed and Heartseeker.

Item alternatives for Build Path 1: Heartseeker for Silverbranch Bow / Fail-Not / Titan's Bane / Berserker's Shield.

Item note for Build Path 1: Can swap Asi for The Crusher or Brawler's Beat Stick. (Can also choose to get The Crusher in Asi's spot and sell it lategame for Asi). If you choose to get Brawler's Beat Stick early you could get Ninja Tabi over Warrior Tabi.


Build Path 2 (Trans Ability):

Start - Mage's Blessing, Morningstar, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Mana Potions or Charged Morningstar, 3 Healing Potions and 3 Mana Potions.

Build - Warrior Tabi / Ninja Tabi > Transcendence > The Crusher > Jotunn's Wrath > Heartseeker > Titan's Bane > Elixir of Speed and Odysseus' Bow.

Item alternatives for Build Path 2: The Crusher / Jotunn's Wrath for Brawler's Beat Stick, Jotunn's Wrath for Fail-Not, Titan's Bane for Atalanta's Bow, Odysseus' Bow for Qin's Sais / Berserker's Shield / Asi / Bloodforge.



Build Path 1 (Trans Crit):

Start - Hunter's Blessing, Morningstar, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Multi Potions.

Build - Ninja Tabi > Transcendence > Asi > Atalanta's Bow > Fail-Not > Wind Demon > Elixir of Speed and Odysseus' Bow.

Build Path 2 (Trans Qins):

Start - Hunter's Blessing, Morningstar, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Multi Potions.

Build - Ninja Tabi > Transcendence > Asi > Atalanta's Bow > Qin's Sais > Odysseus' Bow / Toxic Blade > Elixir of Speed and Berserker's Shield / Fail-Not.

Build Path 3 (Devos Crit):

Start - Hunter's Blessing, Spiked Gauntlet, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Multi Potions.

Build - Ninja Tabi > Devourer's Gauntlet > Atalanta's Bow > Rage > Wind Demon > Odysseus' Bow > Elixir of Speed and Fail-Not.

Item alternatives for Build Path 3: Rage for Fail-Not (in which case you could sell boots late for Qin's Sais or Asi).

Build Path 4 (Devos Qins):

Start - Hunter's Blessing, Spiked Gauntlet, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Multi Potions.

Build - Ninja Tabi > Devourer's Gauntlet > Atalanta's Bow > Qin's Sais > Odysseus' Bow > Berserker's Shield > Elixir of Speed and Fail-Not.

Item alternatives for Build Path 2: Odysseus' Bow / Berserker's Shield / Fail-Not for Toxic Blade / Asi / The Executioner.

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Kingdice | December 15, 2021 7:45am
Are you going to update these builds?
Kriega1 (143) | December 15, 2021 8:31am
Most likely not. I'd advise either checking the bot on the official Smite discord / asking mentors for adc builds or looking at either or
Crooked.Nose | November 28, 2020 8:48am
Another great guide, I have one question about Rama's Devos Qin's build though; was it intentional to put Qin's before Atalanta's in that build or was that a formatting mistake? I only ask because he seems to be the only hunter who buys those items in that order.
Kriega1 (143) | November 28, 2020 12:14pm
It's not just Rama, it's also other hunters with a high attack speed stim like Artemis. I covered it here:

"Note 13: For Devo Qins builds, consider getting Qin's Sais before Atalanta's Bow if you have a decent / good attack speed steroid on your hunter and / or the enemy frontliners are itemising early into high health items."

It's optional / game dependent. If im ahead in gold sometimes I may go Qin's first on those specific hunters. Usually I get atalantas first though (also because I sometimes wait to decide if im going crit or not). On Heimdallr I go Odysseus' after boots and Devourers cause of his low base attack speed / hard hitting base autos.

Honestly any of these order could also be fine depending on the match and your pick:

Devos > Ninja > Ata > Qins > Obow (Standard).

Devos > Ninja > Obow > Qins > Ata (As I described above).

Devos > Ninja > Obow > Ata > Qins (this the path I run on Heim sometimes, could do it on Anhur too).
Devampi (105) | September 24, 2020 2:58am
Kinda curious kriega for AMC (probably some other hunters too) I noticed you did not include berserker's shield in the qin's build, which works really well for him as, not only provides it more AS and max out your pen, it also can give you that last bit of AS or power (build position etc dependant) to stay alive. Curious to hear your thoughts.

Also, about your alternatives a clarity for non native English speakers. you mention X 'for' Y. Maybe better to use 'instead of' instead of 'for'. I actually at quick glance/first read: swap out X for Y only to find Y already being used.
Kriega1 (143) | September 24, 2020 3:21am
I don’t use berserkers for Trans Qins on AMC cause of his Hives passive attack speed buff, when I can just get silverbranch instead.
Devampi (105) | September 24, 2020 4:09am
Just to clarify I meant as boots swap option. I also do have to admit I more often than not use a devos build path as I prefer AA focused adcs
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Big Damage (37) | August 31, 2020 7:30am
What do you think of Soul Eater for a mid build on someone like Skadi instead of Asi? Since you're primarily ability damage?
Kriega1 (143) | August 31, 2020 8:16am
Definitely wouldn't get Soul Eater in a AA build. You can try it in a ability build perhaps instead of something like Jotunn's, but I prefer Bloodforge later in the build (though you can always get both) for the bulk power and survivability. Also the recent power nerf made it worse overall but especially early game (20 power oof) which made it less attractive to hunters to me. I mainly see it as a jungle item, potentially a Solo lane item on some gods / in some scenarios.

Or, as a experimental build I just thought up. You could try: Boots > Trans > Crusher > Soul Eater > Berserker's > Heartseeker > Sell boots for Fail Not. I don't think it's actually any good though lol, like, it's probably ok overall, but is it better than other options / build paths?

Honestly, if the goal is to cap at 40% (if you're not fine with 30%), i'd rather cap percent pen by swapping Jotunns for Berserker's on Skadi, and going something like: Warrior > Trans > Crusher > Berserker's > Atalanta's > Heartseeker > Bloodforge.

Maybe Asi can work in place of Crusher in the 2nd build, but then i'd maybe swap bloodforge for Qin's.
Kriega1 (143) | August 29, 2020 11:29am
xmysterionz (72) | April 13, 2020 3:49pm
Why no crit Cupid?
Kriega1 (143) | April 14, 2020 4:47pm
I just don't see it built on him and I imagine there's much better hunters to run crit on than him.
UPLAR (9) | April 13, 2020 1:45pm
This is more a question about ADC's in general, but are the Qin's builds becoming more meta now than crit builds?

Btw I appreciate the Runeforged Hammer choice on AMC ;)
Kriega1 (143) | April 13, 2020 1:46pm
Both are seeing play, but Crit can be countered by Thorns/Spectral/Geb/Kuzenbo. Especially Deathbringer which Spectral counters hard for Crit. In lower elo or games where people don't build spectral then you can go crit.

There's also that Double Shuriken build that Netrioid was using in SPL
Devampi (105) | April 14, 2020 12:29am
double shuriken has a better effect if people would build spectral. as you will gain an increased damage output via the attack speed. Deathbringer also takes some time to get as you need 1500 gold to go from tier 2 to 3.
UPLAR (9) | April 13, 2020 1:48pm
Ah right thanks, I only play casual conquest so I'll keep building crit
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Kriega1
Hunter ADC/Mid Conquest builds Patch (7.11)
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