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SMITEFire Season 8 Guide Contest Winners!

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Forum » News » SMITEFire Season 8 Guide Contest Winners! 27 posts - page 1 of 3
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Hades4u » March 30, 2021 7:40am | Report

It's finally time to announce the winners of the SMITEFire Season 8 Guide Contest! Our judges have reviewed hundreds of guides and we're excited to reveal the worthy winners! All eligible participants will also receive 1 free month of our Prime benefits! 😊

Guardian Category Winners!

The winners will receive $100 prize, a Season 8 gold Guardian badge and a special forum title.

Previously a judge of the Guardian category and now one of its winners, Gulfwulf has proven his guide writing skills and also SMITE knowledge over and over again by always taking part in our guide contests, both as a judge and contestant, and by creating some of the best guides our community has ever seen! His Kuzenbo guide managed to impress us the most for this season's contest and every aspiring Kuzenbo main must give it a read!

A veteran author and also experienced player, AtomicPie525 impressed our judges once again and here they stand as a winner with their guide for Geb. Covering all the crucial information that you must know in order to properly play the God of Earth, this guide will surely increase your knowledge and win rate!

Hunter Category Winners!

The winners will receive $100 prize, a Season 8 gold Hunter badge and a special forum title.

The hunt is on with xZeroStrike's guide for Artemis! The most comprehensive guide of this contest with over 130.000 characters, xZeroStrike has worked hard on keeping this masterpiece updated throughout the years, for all the fans of the Goddess of the Hunt! Make sure to give it a good read before heading in your next Artemis match!

Learn how to terrorize your enemies with Ah Muzen Cab's swarm by checking out MightyGarchomp's first guide on SMITEFire! With detailed chapters about abilities, item build and even threats and synergies, this guide will leave no question or curiosity unanswered!

Mage Category Winners!

The winners will receive $100 prize, a Season 8 gold Mage badge and a special forum title.

If you want to improve your knowledge about Raijin's ideal build and various other useful tips and tricks, then you have to check out Kamouh's guide for the Master of Thunder! Find out what's the best build and how to use it, or maybe check out his fun builds for Support and ADC and enjoy the game!

ThePerfectPrism stepped down from the judging panel and is back to taking part in contests and winning with their amazing guides. For this season the judges have been mostly impressed by ThePerfectPrism's guide for Nu Wa, a beautifully formatted guide that covers the essentials you need to know in order to reach the Guardian of Heaven's full potential!

Warrior Category Winners!

The winners will receive $100 prize, a Season 8 gold Warrior badge and a special forum title.

Sitting at around 100.000 characters, Falcrus' guide for Horus is one of the most complete SMITE resources our community has to offer. With builds for multiple roles and in-depth explanations on what items are the strongest, this guide will teach you how to pick your items based on different situations and match-ups. Their explanations will not only help you understand how to build for Horus, but for general use as well. That's not all, the author also explains how to best use each build and adapt to its specific play style, and showing you everything there is to know about each of The Rightful Heir's abilities.

LordMarisco is a new face around our community and they have already managed to impress us with their great guide for Achilles. Their guide covers everything you need to know from ability tips and tricks to itemization, and it's the perfect learning resource if you're looking to master the Hero of the Trojan War!

Assassin Category Winners!

The winners will receive $100 prize, a Season 8 gold Assassin badge and a special forum title.

Solid builds, reliable tips and straightforward reasonings make archiebaker's guide for Da Ji a quick and informative learning resource. If you want to improve your assassin and jungling skills as fast as possible, then give archiebaker's guide a good read and make sure to check their builds and notes!

This cat's not for petting, but for killing, at least if you're going to follow Epicbuttercat's great build and guidelines for Bastet! No matter if you're a competitive Conquest player or a chill Arena fan, there are builds and insights that fit all players and play styles and it'll help you have better matches for sure!

Revival Category Winners!

The winners will receive $100 prize, a Season 8 gold Revival badge and a special forum title.

This guide, we like it. Another! Armenius' guide for Thor may seem like a simple guide at first, but by going through its chapters you'll quickly find out that it covers a lot of essential and important information on how to dominate your enemies and send them to Hel with the God of Thunder! Thor needs his hammer as much as you need Armenius' guide, don't miss out.

puppeht has joined our community a little over a month ago and has already created multiple guides to help players improve their gameplay. Their Ne Zha guide surprised us the most for how much it teaches you in just a few succinct chapters. Neatly formatted and nicely written, this guide will will help you defeat your enemies as easy as reading its chapters!

Mobile-Friendly Award!

The following winner will receive $100 USD and a mobile-friendly special badge.

The mobile friendly award goes to archiebaker, one of the winners of the Assassin category! Their guide looks fresh on mobile and it's easy to read and follow, thanks to their clean formatting. Improving the browsing experience of your mobile readers has earned them this special award!

Contest Judges

Selecting the best guides wouldn't have been possible without the assistance of these great judges and guide writers! :)






Big Damage

How To Claim Your Prize

  1. Check the email associated with your SMITFire account and look out for our mail!

  2. Reply to the mail received with the required information.

  3. That's it! You will receive your well deserved prize as soon as possible. :)

We would like to thank everyone for participating and for creating wonderful guides! Please let us know if you have feedback regarding our guide contests and we will do our best to improve our future ones for your best experience. Have a great Season 8! :)
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by puppeht » March 30, 2021 8:44am | Report
Thank you and congratulations to all the other winners!

<Ne Zha Savior>

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ThePerfectPrism » March 30, 2021 9:00am | Report
I'm actually shaking! Thank you all so much for your feedback, friendships, positive energy, thank you all for everything! This community has been part of my family for so many years and to win a guide contest means the world to me! Congratulations to all the other guide winners, you all deserved it so much, and thank you all once again.
Signature by Stuke99, check out his Website Portfolio and his SmiteFire Profile!

<Mage Master>

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xmysterionz » March 30, 2021 9:22am | Report
Congratulations to all winners


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » March 30, 2021 9:44am | Report
Thank you to the winners for working hard on your guides, and for everyone else who participated!

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Mythical (401)
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kamouh » March 30, 2021 9:56am | Report
Congratz to all winners!

Last year it was really nice winning the Revival category... but winning the BIG mage category with my Raijin build make me proud of my god and guide!
Super happy i got picked as a winner with a god that in the last year was in the revival category! ^^

also still want to thank the people you can find in the credit down below in my guide for their help when i started practicing with coding and the "making a good guide" part xD


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by MightyGarchomp » March 30, 2021 10:00am | Report
Goodness... I honestly didn't think my guide was that good, this is such a nice thing to see. Thank you, everyone, and congratulations to all the other guide winners!

<Hunter Master>

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » March 30, 2021 10:12am | Report
Hey, you're making it sound like my revival category is second fiddle!!! Mind, that category has options from all classes, and with individuals only able to win once even if they have good submissions in multiple categories, I was able to pull winners from whichever one I needed.

@MightyGarchomp, your guide isn't the prettiest (but neither was Armenius' Thor guide), but the content absolutely matters, and you took time to explain your choices and had a fairly extensive gameplay section. You did well.

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Mythical (401)
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Big Damage » March 30, 2021 10:25am | Report
Congrats to everyone who won and big thanks to everyone who was apart of this, as big as organising it or as little as putting the effort in to make a guide that was entered.

Big Damage

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kamouh » March 30, 2021 11:51am | Report
@branmuffin17 nono that wasnt my intent! I love the revival category otherwise i could make a guide for something else as well the first time xD
BUT there many more gods in the mage category!

P.s. while we are here... you are one of those i gave credit in my guide for the help. So i take the chance to thank you as well :D


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