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The Overarching Conquest Guide (Y12, Patch 12.1 "Laughs of the Past")

492 14 1,376,030
by Branmuffin17 updated January 26, 2025

Smite God:

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Recent Guide Updates:

2025/1/26: Guide is/should be generally current as of Patch 12.1, "Laughs of the Past." Nut added. General information updated. Tier lists updated. Unlikely to be many more updates as we shift focus to SMITE 2.

Revision History


Year 12 (Patch 12.1) hit on January 24, 2025, with no major changes to the map from the end of the previous season. With SMITE 2 released in Open Beta, main development is focused on that game, with only minor balances to items and gods intended for Smite 1 from this point forward. No further gods will be released after Nut, who arrived on 2024/02/20.

Art by Getsukeii via DeviantArt

Welcome! This is a guide for SMITE's Conquest mode, designed to apply on a high level to general gameplay and tips, rather than focusing on individual gods or builds.

The most competitive and complex mode in SMITE, Conquest can be played in both casual and ranked modes, and is the mode played by the pros. It provides the ultimate conglomeration of all aspects of SMITE gameplay and strategy, including 1 v 1, jungling, build efficiency, counter-building, teamfighting, communication, and taking objectives.

This guide targets the following players:
  • New players looking for general information on the most competitive and comprehensive mode in SMITE

  • Regulars looking for a refresher or to possibly learn a helpful tip or two

  • Regulars that enjoy providing feedback, suggestions, and thoughts (thanks!)

Conquest topics that will be covered:
  • General rules and technical details

  • Overview and gameplay for each role, including popular starting items and starting processes

  • Coverage of strategic gameplay elements, including warding, awareness, and communication

This guide is NOT designed to cover all of the intricacies and in-depth information required to be a successful ranked player, though the basics contained herein will help you prepare. As such, it will not cover topics such as picks and bans, or individual god strategies. With the exception of the ADC / Carry, I will also not be discussing complete builds, as there are many variations for building and counter-building for each role.


If you're a true beginner, and you've stumbled upon this guide, it might be better if you start at the very beginning. That beginning is:

Keep in mind that it IS outdated, but the core information still applies.

ROLE GUIDES FEATURE: There's a tutorial feature called "Role Guides" that is designed to help new players. It detects your assigned role from the lobby to provide a guided experience, showing you waypoints and starting paths, draws attention to respawning camps, and highlights jungle bosses and towers as the game progresses. Can be toggled on/off at any time, and works within Co-op and PvP modes. Check it out!


SMITE is a MOBA. As such (unfortunately), you can expect to encounter toxicity in some of your matches. The easiest suggestion is to group with like-minded individuals / friends that are okay with you not being perfect (or anywhere close to...). Unfortunately, you won't always be able to do this.

If you're able to brush nasty comments off, more power to you. Another GREAT option is the in-game MUTE button![/size]

As a final thought before we begin, understand that I am not a pro by any means. This project is a love letter to a game I've thoroughly enjoyed for years, and I've gathered as much information as I could from various sources and my own experience to help others develop the same love for the game that I have. You may not agree with everything contained herein, and with the plethora of information, there are likely to be mistakes (let me know if you catch any!). The following contains information obtained through time and experience, and I hope you get something of quality out of this guide. So let's start, shall we?

Conquest Overview

  • XP Camps:Harpies

  • Major Objectives:Gold Fury,
    Fire Giant,Oracle Harpies,

  • Buff Camps:Damage Buff,Mana Buff,Speed Buff,Void Buff,
    Support Buff,Shield Buff,
    Cooldown Buff,Shaman

  • Structures:+Towers,+Phoenixes

  • +Titans

  • This is a 5 v 5 match with 3 lanes and a jungle section in-between lanes. All unlocked/free rotation gods are available.

  • Roles are requested prior to entering a match lobby (2 preferred roles per player). Roles are officially assigned by the system upon entering into the lobby. Roles are: ADC (Carry), Support, Jungle, Mid, Solo. You can request to exchange roles with other players while in the lobby.

  • Everyone starts at level 1 with 1,500 gold. Setup time (before the match starts) is 110 seconds. Once the match timer starts, everyone gains 3 gold per second (otherwise known as "gold spool").

  • *NOTE* All minions, structures and the Titan deal physical damage (exception being the Fire Giant, who deals both physical AND magical damage depending on attack).

Special Features:
  • "Invader's Curse" Debuff: Through the first 35s of the match, the jungle buff camps emit a large protective debuff aura around themselves, called the "Invader's Curse." Enemies that enter the aura's radius will have their healing, movement speed and attack speed reduced by 30%. This debuff persists for five seconds after leaving the area, and discourages early enemy invades.
  • Base Gates: There are 2 near each team's base, in the walls in-between of the phoenixes. They act as walls, and can be opened by standing in the area in front of the gate, inside the base.
  • Tower Bastions: There are 6 on each team's side, in front of the Tier 1 towers. Until they are destroyed, they provide 25% damage mitigation each, have 90% healing reduction, and can be damaged by basic attacks and abilities. When destroyed, they provide players with 50 gold.
  • Shaman Camps / Spirit Totems: There is one on each team's side, and they spawn where the Back XP Harpies spawn. They spawn 60 seconds after players clear the camp and last for the next 5 respawns before reverting back to XP Harpies. Composed of a Shaman leader and 2 Shaman guards. When the leader is defeated, Spirit Totems activate, giving players different bonuses to their buffs.
  • Effigy: There's only 1, inside the Fire Giant camp, and spawns when the Fire Giant reaches 85% health. It can be damaged by both basic attacks and abilities, and when destroyed, the Fire Giant takes 15% increased damage from all sources for 15s.
  • Stygian Beacon: There's only 1, at the camp closest to the middle lane on the other side of the Mid Harpy Camp on the Gold Fury side. It becomes active 12 minutes into the match and has a cooldown of 5 minutes. Capturing the Beacon awards players with the Stygian Barrage, dealing damage to all active structures the enemy possesses, and this can kill Towers but not Phoenixes.
  • Teleporters: There are 2 of these on the map. One is behind the Gold Fury camp, and one is behind the Fire Giant camp. They become active 8 minutes into the match, allowing you to teleport from one side of the map to the other. You must stand on the teleporter pad for 4.5s. After teleporting, you will not be able to teleport again for 2 minutes.

Main buff camps:

The buff camps spawn at 00:00. Buffs persist for 2 minutes, camps respawn in 2 minutes (after ALL minions are killed). NOTE: Gods that visit a Jungle Camp on their side of the map receive vision of the in-world and minimap respawn timers for that camp. This is granted even if the camp was invaded and cleared by the enemy.

Purple Buff (Chimeras)
  • Typically taken by: ADC (Carry)
  • Chimera ability (debuff): Void Sludge. The chimera fires a projectile attack at its target, applying a debuff to the first target it aggros (stacking up to 3 times), applying 5% protection reduction per stack for 10 seconds.
  • Purple Buff: Increases attack speed by 15%, Magical Basic Attack Damage by 15, and Physical Basic Attack Damage by 12.
Damage Buff (Manticores)
  • Typically taken by: Mid-Laner
  • Manticore ability (damage): Berserk. Triggers when Manticore goes below 45% health. This attack has increased Attack Speed, causing players to take more damage over time.
  • Damage buff: Increases Physical and Magical Power by 10%, plus an additional flat +10 Magical Power and +5 Physical Power.
Speed Buff (Centaurs)
  • Typically taken by: Jungler
  • Centaur ability (damage): Spear Thrust. Winds up for a powerful thrust, damaging all enemies in a line. Deals 3x its basic attack damage to enemies within range.
  • Speed buff: Increases movement speed by 10%. Jungle minion kills/assists provide 2% extra movement speed. Stacks up to 3 times (16% total).
Mana Buff (Satyrs)
  • Typically taken by: Solo Laner
  • Satyr ability (summon): Summon Spirits. Up to 4 Spirit Satyrs will be summoned in to help the Satyr shortly after he enters combat. These have very low HP but can deal a lot of damage if left unchecked.
  • Mana buff: Grants +4 Mana healed per second. Each time you hit an enemy God with an ability you regain 3% of your missing Mana. Enemy Lane Minions take an additional 5 True Damage while Jungle Bosses take an additional 3% of their current health as True Damage from abilities. Subsequent hits on the same target do half the bonus damage for the next 3s.
Support Buff (Dryads)
  • Typically taken by: Support
  • Scorpion ability: applies HP5 to its minis.
  • Support buff: Grants +100 maximum Health and Mana, plus an additional 30 for every 50 total protections on the wearer. Also grants +10 HP5 and MP5.

Special camps / buffs:
  • Fire Giant's Might Buff: Obtained by the entire team that defeats the Fire Giant. Provides 75 magical power, 55 physical power, 3% HP5 and 2% MP5, +25% damage increase to structures, 4 minute duration. Fire Giant spawns at 15:00, respawns 5 minutes after defeat. At the 30 minute mark, the Enhanced Fire Giant replaces the regular version, and the buff provides 100 magical power, 65 physical power, and 40% increased bonus damage to structures, in addition to the other stats. Also allows players to ignore 75% of a tower's backdoor protections.

  • Oracle Harpies (across from the Gold Fury): If a team kills BOTH Oracle Harpies, that team is given vision of the Fury pit for 90 seconds. Spawns at 0:30, respawns in 3 minutes.

  • Oni Fury (random spawn in place of base Gold Fury): Lane minion buff. After its defeat, the next round of minions spawned in all 3 lanes are granted 75% bonus damage, 30% bonus health, increased Physical protections by 50, and Magical protections by 60.

  • Primal Fury (random spawn in place of base Gold Fury): Provides permanent increased damage against jungle monsters. After its defeat, grants every player on the killer's team a stacking 7% damage buff towards and 7% reduced damage from jungle camps and jungle bosses (stacks 3 times).

  • Pyromancer (across from the Fire Giant): When defeated, drops the "Runic Bomb," which can be picked up like a jungle buff, only by someone from the team who dealt the last hit to the pyromancer. It fills a consumable spot and can be placed later by using that slot and selecting a ground target area. Deals 300 Physical Damage to Gods and applies Knockback, and deals 1,000 True Damage to Minions and Structures. Structures hit by the Bomb are also debuffed with 35% reduced Attack Speed for 10 seconds. Can be sold in the Item Shop for 33 Gold.

  • Duo Side (Shield) Scorpion Camp: This is a camp that, when defeated, drops the Gold Buff, which grants a Shield equal to 50 Health plus 20 per level and 5 of both Protections plus 1 per level. Has a duration of 60s and can stack with any other Jungle Buff. Lasts for 1 minute.

  • Solo Side (Cooldown) Scorpion Camp: This is a camp that, when defeated, drops the Cooldown Buff, which Increases CDR by 5% + 0.75% per level up to 20% (5.75% at level 1) at level 20. Lasts for 1 minute.

  • Cyclops Rogues: At the start of the match, a Rogue’s Stash will spawn near a random Jungle Camp. Spawn locations are always symmetric for both teams. Opening a Stash awards 25 Gold but they are also trapped and a Cyclops Rogue will spawn. The Rogue awards 25 Gold when slain and drops one of two buff areas every other time:

    - An "Aspect of the Rogue" buff area, providing 20% increased movement speed for 60 seconds.
    - A Jungle Shop for all allies that allows you to purchase from the Item Shop within its range for 60 seconds. (This always drops starting with the second Cyclops Rogue)

    Every third set of Stashes are trapped and will spawn Cyclops Rogues upon opening. The Rogue awards 75 Gold when slain and also drops the Aspect of the Rogue buff area. After all Stashes on the map have been opened, a new set will spawn after 3 minutes.

  • The Totem (located on the outer edge of the Solo lane): for the first 15 minutes of the match, a Totem will appear near the Solo lane. While active, this objective has an aura around it that grants Gods 10% increased damage dealt to minions and other Gods. When destroyed, a single instant stack is applied to teammates near to the Totem the moment it is claimed, and provides an empowering aura in all allied tower areas that boost movement speed (5%) and mana regeneration for 1 minute. While the aura is active, players leaving the tower areas retain the MS and MP5 buff for 10 seconds. It is refreshed if they re-enter the area if the aura is still active.

Game Phases:

A Conquest match consists of 3 conceptual phases: Early, Mid, and Late-Game. These are loosely defined by a combination of the following: match time, build and level progress, objective/structure status.
  • Early Game: AKA the "Laning Phase." Beginning at the start of the match, through the timepoint is roughly around 10-15 minutes. Player levels reach around 10, and builds consist of up to around 2 full items. The majority of roles (ADC (Carry) / Mid / Solo) stay in their lanes to farm for XP / gold. The Support will often begin to rotate through the jungle before the laning phase ends, and the Jungler will roam throughout. The Gold Fury and Oracle Harpies may be targeted at any time, especially if one team gains a temporary advantage (early kills).

  • Mid-Game: From the transition through the early game to around 20-25 minutes. Player levels are approaching 20, and builds are nearing completion (4-5 completed items). Players will rotate between lanes much more to support teammates either push or defend objectives. All mid-map objectives have increased importance. The Pyromancer and Fire Giant spawn at 10 minutes and should be watched closely.

  • Late-Game: From the transition through the mid-game to the end of the match. Players reach level 20, and builds are completed. Players will often roam in groups to destroy and defend objectives. Many fights are in groups, and if a team gains a huge advantage of numbers through successful teamfighting, the Titan is targeted to end the game.

Minions spawn every 30 seconds in each lane starting at time 0, consisting of 3 ranged-attack Archers (in the back) and a total of 3 of Swordsmen / Brutes (in the front).

The lane minions are the main source of gold and XP for the ADC, Mid, and Solo-Laners. They provide gold on assist / proximity, with an additional +50% gold on last-hits.

Since archers deal higher damage from distance, and have lower health, they should be the priority targets if you can't hit the entire wave.

Minions generally attack the closest target to them. However, they will switch targets to an enemy god if that god does damage to an allied god within their vicinity.

Key minion stats:
  • Lane minions deal 40% less damage to gods.
  • Minions prioritize towers, phoenixes, and Titans over enemy minions, deployables, and pets.
  • Minions reward additional XP and gold every 3 minutes, capping at 21 minutes.
  • Minions take reduced damage as follows: 10% + 1% per minute since the start of the match.
  • Minions gain +2% movement speed every 3 minutes.dddd
  • Flaming Minions: special forms of minions that spawn while an enemy phoenix is down in the opposite lane. These minions deal twice as much damage and have 200 more health than their non-flaming counterparts. Their damage reduction remains the same.
If your tower hits the minion at least once, you still get XP but receive ONLY 25% GOLD. It's this aspect of gameplay that shapes strategies for pushing your lane against your lane enemy.

Let's go over some of the strategies that can help you win your lane (or allow you to stop the bleeding, re: Playing From Behind):

Hard Pushing

Offensive Lane Freezing & Bullying

Defensive Lane Freezing


Playing From Behind

Here are the dirty (boring) details about jungle camps, jungle objectives, and structures. Not very exciting, but it's important to understand what they can do and what affects them.

Jungle Camp / Boss Details

Tower, Phoenix & Titan Details

Roles: Duo Lane ADC (Carry)

Standard / Meta Gods Used in the ADC / Carry Role:

Typical ADC Qualities:


+ High single target damage
+ Strong late-game
+ Highest potential sustained damage output

- Squishy
- CC abilities may be limited
- Reliant on Support early for protection/initiation

  • Who (typically plays as an ADC): Hunters are the common choice for the ADC role due to their reliance on ranged basic attacks, though there are some mages whose basic attacks are strengthened within their kits, giving them strong potential in this role as well.

  • What (does the ADC do): The ADC (Attack Damage Carry) will focus on increasing their basic attack damage output to deal extremely high late-game damage. Left unchecked, it is possible for them to blow through enemies and objectives, and "carry" their team to victory.

  • When (is the ADC most relevant): Many ADCs start out a bit weak, and they are typically dependent on items to see their maximum potential. Almost all are powerhouses in the late game, with builds based around stats such as power, lifesteal, attack speed, penetration, and (for physical gods) critical strike items and/or Qin's Sais.

  • Where (should they be): The ADC will usually stay in the Duo Lane with the Support for the first few minutes. In the mid-game, they'll often find themselves alone more often with the enemy ADC, as their focus will be to continue farming resources, though their scope will increase to nearby skirmishes and objective control. In the later stages of a match, they need to bring their high damage to a teamfight, and focus when possible on taking down objectives.

  • Why (would you want to play as an ADC): If you have the patience to wait for the late game, and like the opportunity to absolutely blast enemies down, this role is for you.

  • How (should you play them): ADCs generally want to build some sustain (e.g. lifesteal) to help them with laning and 1 v 1 boxing, but focus mainly on building up attack speed, power, and penetration. They want to clear waves quickly and efficiently, and poke the enemy (or outbox them) when possible. They are the best source of consistent damage and should focus more than any other role on objective kills.

  • Main Responsibilities: farm minions and camps efficiently to build and level up quickly, maintain constant pressure with poke damage, be opportunistic with god kills, destroy objectives, and above all, DON'T DIE.

*NOTE ON SEASON 9 STARTER ITEMS* S8 made a huge change to starter items, doing away with Blessings and introducing 16 new starters. Even into S9, these items are in a constant state of flux due to regular attempts to balance, and I will discuss their features below.

Death's Toll
This is the safest pick for early sustain of both health AND mana, and is a good pick for gods reliant on a bit more ability use (due to mana sustain, and has power as opposed to increased basic attack damage).
  • Death's Embrace is the sustain upgrade providing you with enhanced health and mana sustain on connecting with basic attacks, and is the standard upgrade.

  • Death's Temper is chosen specifically for basic attack damage enhancement. It loses the sustain (which is okay if you have Devourer's Gauntlet or Asi, or have abilities that heal reliably) and requires stacking to get the basic attack damage boost, but will deliver a very significant DPS boost when stacked.

Gilded Arrow
This starter helps with farming and situational boxing. It doesn't provide any health sustain, but does have a bit of mana sustain. The basic attack damage boost and situational AS boost is nice, and the gold increase is helpful to get your build online a bit faster.
  • Diamond Arrow is good for gold farming and situationally very high AS. If you prioritize this when you hit level 20, your gold increase when farming should allow you to get the rest of your items online much quicker, and get you moving also toward the big elixirs. It is also a decent option if you're building into Qin's Sais and Silverbranch Bow with significant AS overcapping potential. It can be a consideration for magical ADCs.

  • Ornate Arrow is the go-to upgrade for physical crit builds where you're looking for added crit chance, though it also provides a consistent AS increase as long as you have enough gold in your pocket. Note that the requirement of gold in hand to see max stats makes this a very late-game item.

Leather Cowl
Physical Gods Only!

Leather Cowl is the utility starter, providing health sustain via lifesteal and mana sustain via a small amount of MP5. The MS it provides when you're not with teammates can be helpful for chase or escape, but you're really getting this for the upgrades.
  • Hunter's Cowl is great in later stages of a match when you're teamfighting or killing objectives, especially if you have other basic-attacking teammates, as it gives you an aura similar to Shogun's Kusari where you boost nearby teammates' attack speed (and your own). This helps your team when taking down jungle bosses (FG / GF), structures, etc.

  • Leader's Cowl is much more situational, but the power boost can be effective when you outnumber the enemy (or the enemy is not there, such as when you're going for one of the jungle bosses). This is rarely picked up.

Bluestone Pendant
Physical Gods Only!

This is intended mainly as a Solo starter, but has stats that can serve an ability-based ADC well. This could be functional for a god like Chiron, Medusa, Neith, or Ullr, but isn't recommended for standard basic-attack ADCs. Alternatively, it might be the go-to starter for specific Hunters that play in the Mid-Lane.
  • Bluestone Brooch: While it might work well for Hunters with damage in 3 or 4 abilities, the stats aren't as appealing overall as the other upgrade.

  • Corrupted Bluestone: This feels more synergistic for a Hunter, as it provides higher power, as well as situational enemy attack speed reduction and self attack speed boost (up to 50%!!!). If the Hunter has AOE damage abilities that work well in teamfights, you can rely on this for the majority of your attack speed, allowing you to focus less on attack speed and more on power and penetration.

  • Alternative - Skip Upgrade: Some people may opt to sell Bluestone Pendant late-game for a regular T3 item.

Manikin Scepter
This is considered a Jungle starter, but provides interesting stats to help you play aggressively, and can be used to good effect for a select few ADCs to provide enhanced early wave clear (e.g. Izanami). The sustain it provides is situational for a lane role (health/mana gain on jungle minion kills only), so you may require potions until you're able to get some items providing sustain online. IF you choose to go with this starter, one option is to sell for a regular T3 item late-game rather than upgrade.
  • Manikin Mace provides enhanced stats over the starter and should be the upgrade you choose as an ADC in most cases.

  • Manikin Hidden Blade is an upgrade for gods that gank the backline; this is not what the ADC typically does and should not be chosen in this role.

Eye of the Jungle
This is also considered a Jungle starter, and its passive functions require you to be in the Jungle areas to gain those benefits. That said, the base stats provide some attack speed, which is attractive to a basic attacker. It's also great for jungle camp clearing, and its later upgrades will help immensely in securing objectives.
  • Seer Of The Jungle: The main draw of this upgrade is the huge bonus damage to jungle monsters, which can really help with objective clear. The other portion of the passive allows you to see wards, which is great for denying the enemy vision.

  • Protector Of The Jungle: This upgrade gives you a consistent damage bonus to all enemies while in the Jungle, along with a minor boost to your protections. This won't help when you're pushing the enemy Phoenixes or the Titan, but securing the Fire Giant can be the difference in winning or losing a match.

Sands of Time
Magical Gods Only!

Most magical ADCs have some reliance on ability use, which makes the MP5 and CDR valuable early stats. Can be helpful when you don't need as much attack speed in your full build, due to the god's kit providing an AS steroid (e.g. Sol, Chronos).
  • Pendulum of Ages is the recommended upgrade, and provides a higher base of CDR, which is great for hybrid gods that have some reliance on abilities.

  • The Alternate Timeline is an upgrade that provides you with temporary survivability when you otherwise would have died (similar to a Khepri ult). This effect has a 6 minute cooldown, and is not the recommended upgrade.

*NOTE ON HUNTER BUILDS* The ADC (Carry) will be the only class in this guide with full build discussion. Only Hunters are covered, as Mages can be built in a variety of ways depending on the God.

The free starting shard you should generally purchase as ADC is Wing Shard for the attack speed and MS boost, though if you are building for abilities, Claw Shard is a good choice.

Anti-Tank Basic Attack Build

Arrow / Crit Basic Attack Build

Cowl / Crit Hybrid Build

Transcendence / Ability Build

Starting Items

Starting Process

Early Gameplay Elements

Mid to Late Game Considerations & Strategies

Key Gameplay Strategies (Objectives & Split-Pushing)

*NOTE* Relics can be upgraded at a price of 300 gold to decrease CD, or a total of 800 gold to gain extra effects. The first relic is available at level 1, while the second relic becomes available at level 12.
Recommended Relics

Here are recommended relics that should be of most use to the ADC.

Recommended Relics

Situational Relics

These relics can be used to good effect, but are chosen to fit a specific situation or need. You may want to check your allies' relics before choosing these as second relics; if your Support has picked up Magic Shell or Heavenly Wings, for example, it may be best to just pick up Aegis Amulet.

Situational Relics

Roles: Duo Lane Support

Standard / Meta Gods Used in the Support Role:

Flex Picks / Playable as Support:

Typical Support Qualities:


+ Usually high protections/health
+ Some have great healing/sustain
+ Strong CC abilities
+ Great in teamfights

- Early game can be difficult
- Struggle to make gold
- Usually low damage
- Underappreciated

  • Who (typically plays in the Support role): The most common class used in the Support role is the Guardian, for their strong CC abilities and tankiness. However, there is more than one way to support. Some Warriors have great potential through base damage. Select Assassins see good efficacy in the role, such as Fenrir, Ne Zha, and Serqet. Some mages (healing such as Hel, or control such as Nox) can work as an alternative Support type.

  • What (does the Support do): The tanky Support is an early companion to the ADC, protecting them and helping set up kills. Later, they are expected to roam more, warding areas to give their team better vision, using their CC to initiate and/or tank in teamfight situations, and protect the other, more squishy classes. Other Supports that are more offense-oriented will use aggressive play to gain an early advantage.

  • When (is the Support most relevant): The Support role can generally remain relevant even when under-leveled, due to the nature of their kits providing support function rather than needing to focus on damage. Sentinel's Gift greatly helps early sustain and gold income, and Benevolence can also help with gold income while also supporting better farm for nearby teammates.

  • Where (should they be): The Support will assist the ADC in the Duo Lane in the early game. In the mid-game, they will rotate into the jungle to clear camps, protect teammates, and provide opportunities for ganks. Later, they will be relied upon for defense and protection of squishier teammates, and should always be in the middle of a teamfight.

  • Why (would you want to play as a Support): If you don't like being appreciated love being the backbone of your team, helping others to personal glory, this role was made for you.

  • How (should you play them: Supports generally focus on building health and protections, so they can bear the brunt of the enemy's attack. CDR (so they can use their abilities more often) and extra mobility (so they can get to where they're needed more quickly) are also helpful. Late-game, counter-building is extremely important.

  • Main Responsibilities: Watch the Duo-side jungle, protect the ADC in the early game, initiate and/or secure kills with CC abilities, rotate between lanes to support teammates and be in the front-line for all teamfights.

Starting Items

Starting Process

Early Gameplay Elements

Mid to Late Game Considerations & Strategies

*NOTE* Relics can be upgraded at a price of 300 gold to decrease CD, or a total of 800 gold to gain extra effects. The first relic is available at level 1, while the second relic becomes available at level 12.

Recommended Relics

Here are recommended relics that should be of most use to the Support.

Recommended Relics

Situational Relics

These relics can be used to good effect, but are chosen to fit a specific situation or need.

Situational Relics

Helpful Early Support Items

A Support's early job is usually to accompany their ADC for the first few minutes. There are some key items that are typically bought early in a match that provide a measure of offensive or defensive function. These will be covered below, but note that this list isn't necessarily comprehensive of ALL possible early items, just some of the most popular.

(Some) Helpful Early Support Items

Counter Items

A key component of operating as a Support is building items that work to counter dangerous enemies or enemy abilities. Most counter items are built in the mid to late game. The list below is not necessarily comprehensive, but covers the most popular items used for this purpose.

Important Counter Items

Roles: Jungler

Standard / Meta Gods Used in the Jungler Role:

Flex Picks / Playable as Jungler:

Typical Jungler Qualities:


+ Great mobility
+ High damage or gank ability
+ Element of surprise

- Usually squishy
- Requires gameplay adaptation
- Often weak teamfight presence

  • Who (typically plays in the Jungle): Assassins form the majority of common Jungler choices, as they typically have high mobility and damage potential. A select few Mages, Warriors, and Guardians can also fill this role, depending on how they're built.

  • What (does the Jungler do): The Jungler is a wandering role, constantly on the move in the jungle and supporting multiple lanes. Rather than assigned a set position, their roving nature makes this a complex role, and their presence can shift the balance of a fight or set up an easy gank.

  • When (is the Jungler most relevant): The Jungler needs to be a potential threat for ganking the entire match. Early-game gods should try to get as many early kills and objectives for their team as possible, to put them ahead. Late-game gods should try to maintain pressure until they come into their power, at which point they should go where the enemy is weakest to take down objectives and create havoc.

  • Where (should they be): The Jungler will often start out by securing their Speed Buff. Their main functions after that are clearing their own jungle camps efficiently when they respawn, looking to steal resources from the enemy, providing extra pressure in the various lanes to help push, and watching closely for ganking opportunities.

  • Why (would you want to play as a Jungler): If you like being sneaky and get a thrill hiding in the fog and stalking your prey, sign up here.

  • How (should you play them): Junglers should focus on mobility and damage first, to help with roving efficiency and kill potential. Depending on their kits, power, penetration, and either attack speed or CDR are all stats that help them clear camps and gank quickly. Some can even build a protection item or two and remain dangerous threats.

  • Main Responsibilities: clear jungle camps, ward, gank lanes when opportunity knocks, and counter-jungle the enemy Jungler.

Starting Items

Starting Process

Early Gameplay Elements

Mid To Late Game Considerations & Strategies

Strong Early to Mid-Game Junglers

Strong Mid / Late-Game Junglers

*NOTE* Relics can be upgraded at a price of 300 gold to decrease CD, or a total of 800 gold to gain extra effects. The first relic is available at level 1, while the second relic becomes available at level 12.

Recommended Relics

Here are recommended relics that should be of most use to the Jungler.

Recommended Relics

Situational Relics

These relics can be used to good effect, but are chosen to fit a specific situation or need. You may want to check your allies' relics before choosing these as second relics; if your Support has picked up Magic Shell, for example, it may be best to just pick up Aegis Amulet.

Situational Relics

Roles: Mid-Lane

Standard / Meta Gods Used in the Mid-Lane

Flex Picks / Playable as Mid-Laner:

Typical Mid-Laner Qualities:


+ Strong late-game damage
+ Generally strong wave clear
+ Strong teamfight presence

- Squishy
- Can lack escape / mobility
- Usually ability-reliant

Mid-Laner 101

  • Who (typically plays in the Mid-Lane): almost all standard Mid-Laners are Mages. This is not only in magical / physical balance to natural preferences for other roles, but also because Mages have great ranged damage potential, many of which are AOE. Some ability-reliant hunters (e.g. Medusa, Neith) can also do well in this role.

  • What (does the Mid do): Mid-Laners often want to have strong wave-clear potential. This helps them clear quickly and allow them to focus more on damaging the enemy. If they are weak in the early game but can force a stalemate until their power spikes, they can shift the balance of power in a teamfight, allowing their team to secure objectives.

  • When (is the Mid most relevant): with the wide range of abilities, strengths and weaknesses, some gods will find themselves more effective at certain times, though most Mid-Laners are item-reliant and are at their strongest late-game. It's important for them to take advantage of their strengths and push when they are able, without overextending themselves.

  • Where (should they be): they are mainly in charge of controlling the Mid-Lane and surrounding areas in the early game. They will venture outside their lane here and there (read: Mid-Camps, central objectives, gank attempts), but until the mid to late game when they group up to split-push and teamfight, they need to cement the center of the map.

  • Why (would you want to play in Mid): like magical things. You like blowing things (gods) up. You want to be Harry Potter or Gandalf.

  • How (should you play them): Mid-Laners need to balance mana consumption while always applying pressure to the enemy Mid-Laner. Focus is often on items that provide a deep mana pool, along with high power and penetration to maximize damage. CDR for more ability use is also popular. However, some mages (e.g. Zhong Kui) can do well when built a bit more tanky, and can be effective when itemizing into some health and protections.

  • Main Responsibilities: clear the minion waves, apply pressure with poke damage and by pushing towers without overextending, work with the Jungler to set up ganks, avoid ganks by the enemy Support and Jungler.

Gameplay Stages

Starting Items

Starting Process

Early Gameplay Elements

Mid to Late Game Considerations & Strategies


*NOTE* Relics can be upgraded at a price of 300 gold to decrease CD, or a total of 800 gold to gain extra effects. The first relic is available at level 1, while the second relic becomes available at level 12.

Here are the recommended relics that should be of most use to the Mid-Laner.

Recommended Relics

Here are recommended relics that should be of most use to the Mid-Laner.

Recommended Relics

Situational Relics

These relics can be used to good effect, but are chosen to fit a specific situation or need. You may want to check your allies' relics before choosing these as second relics; if your Support has picked up Magic Shell, for example, it may be best to just pick up Aegis Amulet.

Situational Relics

Roles: Solo Lane

Standard / Meta Gods Used in the Solo Lane

Flex Picks / Playable as Solo-Laner:

Typical Solo-Laner Qualities:


+ Versatile gameplay
+ Balanced damage and protections
+ Generally strong frontline presence

- Vulnerable to ganks
- More of a 1 v 1 than any other position

Solo Laner 101

  • Who (typically plays in the Solo Lane): Warriors are often chosen for the Solo role, as they generally have a good balance of damage and survivability to hold their own. More than any other lane, however, a wide variety of gods/classes can be chosen with a good chance for success. It's more about how the individual gods match up, how you build to counter them, and how you play to get the upper hand. Gods that have sustain via self healing can have an advantage.

  • What (does the Solo do): More than any other lane, the Solo lane generally plays the closest to a 1 v 1 match. Threat from the Jungler is always a possibility, but the main objective is to out-play the enemy Solo, win their lane, and start rotating as soon as possible to help other lanes. Most Solo-laners are a tank for their team, to help absorb damage and provide disruption for their team. They may be a second source of CC for their team to help peel, or may look to dive the back-line of the enemy and disrupt their focus.

  • When (is the Solo most relevant): Solo-laners may be stronger early or late. Early-game gods should try to take advantage and pressure the enemy to win lane more quickly while they have the advantage. Late-game gods want to force an early stalemate, allowing them time to get their strength online to more effectively help their team.

  • Where (should they be): In the early game, they start the game in the Solo lane. They usually won't stray from the lane until mid-game, when the teams start fighting more in groups. In the mid-game, they will start rotating, covering / helping other teammates secure objectives or gank. In the late-game, they should be in the middle of teamfights, helping tank, shut down damage dealers, or whatever else their individual god strengths allow them to do.

  • Why (would you want to play in Solo): If you like 1 v 1 battles and being your team's frontline presence, this role is calling your name.

  • How (should you play them): Most Solo-laners will build tanky, though some of the more aggressive picks may build more into damage. Counter-building the enemy Solo god - as well as the Jungler - is key. You will want to be the vanguard in teamfights, frontlining for your team or diving their backline to keep them zoned / out of the fight.

  • Main Responsibilities: Early game: clear minion waves, protect your tower, secure the Totem of Ku, out-farm the enemy, work with your Jungler to secure kills. Late game: be in the frontline of teamfights, zone / dive the enemy backline, act as secondary tank for objectives.

Gameplay Stages

Starting Items

Starting Process

Early Gameplay Elements

Mid To Late Game Considerations & Strategies


*NOTE* Relics can be upgraded at a price of 300 gold to decrease CD, or a total of 800 gold to gain extra effects. The first relic is available at level 1, while the second relic becomes available at level 12.

Recommended Relics

Here are suggested relics that should be of most use to the Solo-Laner.

Recommended Relics

Situational Relics

These relics can be used to good effect, but are chosen to fit a specific situation or need.

Situational Relics


Wards are your extra set(s) of eyes. A necessity for pros, but whose use and placement can be an enigma for new players. That's why we're going to cover some warding basics.

Regulars: you can skip this section if you feel solid on this, or you can pretend you're young and innocent and continue reading.

First, some general info:
  • You can only ever have 2 wards of any type active at one time. If you place a 3rd ward, the earliest active ward placed will disappear.

  • The standard Ward is a consumable item that costs 50 gold, and allows you to see normal enemy movement within 45 units. It respects line of sight and can't see through walls or stealth. Remains for 3 minutes or until destroyed (3 basic attacks). It is invisible to enemies and cannot be targeted unless Sentry Wards are used nearby. Can only carry 2 at one time, and only 2 wards of any kind can be active at one time from any one player.

  • Sentry Wards cost 120 gold, and do all of the things regular wards do, but ALSO allow you to see enemy wards, which additionally allows you to target and destroy them (via 3 basic attacks). Can only carry / place 1 at one time, and only 2 wards of any kind can be active at one time from any single player.

  • Vision Shard: This is a free shard option at the start of a match. It functions as a smaller radius, short duration (90 seconds) version of a regular Ward that gives no gold reward for destroying it. However, it has a cooldown of 120 seconds and is free, so can really help with early-game vision. Since it acts like a regular Ward, players with Teleport Fragment can teleport to it. At level 12, it can be replaced with your preferred 2nd relic.

  • Proximity Ward: This is a special ward that costs 75 gold. It has a smaller radius of detection (20 units instead of 45), but when it does catch sight of an enemy, it explodes after 1.5s in a larger 45 unit radius, slowing enemy gods by 20% and revealing them for 10 seconds. This ward also has a longer duration of existence compared to other wards, remaining for up to 5 minutes unless it's triggered. You can only carry one at a time. It's great for lane gods to use in the nearby jungle to prevent easy ganks.

  • Raven Ward: This is a special ward that costs 75 gold. It flies in a straight line for 500 units and passes through all walls and obstacles, spotting any enemies within 50 units of its flight. Youc an only carry one at a time. This can be useful to check if enemies are attacking key objectives like the Gold Fury and Fire Giant.

  • Chalice of the Oracle: This reusable, refillable consumable costs 400 gold and provides you with a stack of 2 standard wards that are refilled for free EVERY TIME YOU BACK. If you value vision and use a ton of wards every game, this is a reasonably-priced consumable that everyone should consider purchasing. This item can be especially helpful if you have good intentions to pick up wards but forget regularly when you back!

  • Bracer of Radiance: This is a relic that not only functions as a shorter-term ward but also provides additional benefit (power or movement speed, depending on health level, for you and teammates that move through the area of effect). The upgrade Bracer of Brilliance upgrades the ward effect to act as a Sentry Ward!

  • When enemies enter the range of a friendly Ward, an audible *ping* can be heard, and a visual effect can be seen on the mini-map. Train your mind you react to this sound and glance at the mini-map every time you hear it.

  • Wards are commonly used in most areas of the jungle, and even in front of enemy towers. Sentry Wards are often used close to the key objectives such as the Gold Fury and Fire Giant, and are also used to counter-ward commonly used areas.

Warding 101

  • Who (should ward): The correct answer is EVERYONE. In casual games, the reality is that you can't really depend on all teammates to ward properly, or even at all. Depending on team comps and skill levels, you might be able to get by with just the Support and Jungler warding, but that's asking for trouble. So, the more people that ward, the better off you'll be.

  • What (items do we consider): Ward, Sentry Ward, Vision Shard, Proximity Ward, Raven Ward, Chalice of the Oracle, Bracer of Radiance.

  • When (should you ward): Against a really strong/aggressive early-game Jungler, your team might want to place a couple of wards at the very beginning of a match. However, the time when things become more dangerous is usually when gods hit level 5 and their ults become active, and this is the point when wards become more essential. But ganks aren't the only concern...there are multiple strategic objectives that should also be watched and warded when possible.

  • Where (should you ward): Good question. We'll go over it in detail below.

  • Why (should you ward): Because you like spotting vulnerable enemies. Because you don't like to be ganked. Because you don't want the enemy team to get key objectives. Because you want to be a good teammate. Awww, how sweet.

  • How (do you ward properly): Well, for starters, buy them at the fountain. You can learn how best to place them, given the situation, in significant detail below.

Keep in mind, locations in the maps below are based on you being on the Order side, and the enemy being on the Chaos side. It may be obvious, but these locations should be generally reversed if you start in Chaos.

These locations are going to generally be very simple, and don't specifically involve counter-warding concepts...just looking to give you good vision of general areas.

For a nice video on current season warding, check out this Warding video by Inbowned.

Early & Mid-Game Warding

After your first back or two, you'll probably want to buy some Wards, especially as enemies start roaming more and more as the game progresses and objectives start to become more important. Below are color-coded locations for wards with some explanations of their use.

Duo Lane Warding

Mid Lane Warding

Solo Lane Warding

Jungler Warding

Late-Game Warding

As objectives start to crumble, the distance between safe areas becomes further and further away as you travel further from your base, opening up the game to more varied situations. Players will be less likely to be found in their starting lanes, and there will be teamfights aplenty. Warding during this time really helps your team coordinate attacks, or retreat during out-numbered situations.

Late-Game / Objective Warding

Awareness & Communication

A Conquest match can be very complex. Just considering yourself, you have to clear minion waves / camps, utilize abilities and mana in an efficient way, monitor gold to determine when to back, know build orders and how to counter-build, battle the enemy, watch out for other invaders trying to gank, etc. On top of all this, you have to realize that this is a map-wide struggle, and each of your teammates are going through the same thing!


Maintaining general awareness of the various things going on in the game at any one time is thus a key aspect of gameplay. How can you expand your awareness beyond your own vicinity?

Besides relying on nearby wards pinging to notify you of enemy locations in the jungle, it's also important for you to use that nifty little mini-map in the top right corner of your screen...OFTEN. In fact, the general suggestion is:

Look at your minimap EVERY 5 SECONDS!

A quick glance can provide map awareness from your team's perspective, depending on the situation:
  • where your teammates are
  • where the minions are
  • timing for jungle / buff respawns
  • if enemies are contesting the same lane as a teammate
  • if enemies are alone or grouped up
  • if enemies are pushing an objective
However, if the enemy is out of the visual range of teammates, wards, and friendly minions/objectives, you won't know exactly where they are, making you and your teammates vulnerable to ganks and outnumbered situations. This is where team communication comes into play.

PC Communication Options

Typing to your team (start by pressing ENTER) can provide very specific details, but precious seconds are wasted while you stand still. There are two alternatives to typing.

The first communication option is using a chat program. SMITE has its own embedded system (which you can enable by going into Settings\Audio Tab and enabling in-game chat). Any people you're grouped with in a party (or if you're playing a ranked game) can use this feature.

You can also use a 3rd party program when playing with friends, such as Discord, Steam, and Mumble.

Of course, talking isn't always preferred. Sometimes it's a language barrier. Perhaps it's sleeping roommates/parents/children/significant others. Maybe you've run into one too many toxic players. Whatever the case, your communication options don't end there.

The second option is built directly into SMITE, and doesn't require any talking or lengthy typing. In fact, it can be the quickest, most efficient way to communicate with your team. This is where VGS (Voice Guided System) comes into play.

PC VGS System

For full details, check out the Wiki page: VGS: Smite Wiki

Pressing "V" initiates the VGS system. When the full command is inputted, not only does it list the command in chat for reading, but a preset voice audibly issues the statement, making it an immediately useful notification for teammates.

The various codes take some time to memorize, and even further time to become instinctual, but learning this system is key to effective teamwork. Not only can it gather teammates to efficiently take down objectives, but it can counter enemy strategies

The following are examples of extremely helpful commands in various situations...not all commands are covered here:

Common VGS Notifications

Console Communication Options & VGS

Microphones are generally very easy to obtain and set up, and it is highly, highly recommended to use them. Even if teammates aren't talking, it's very likely they can hear you.

XBox players also have an additional option to use a keyboard for chat. See Kitten of Doom's video below for a short tutorial.

XBox Keyboard Chat

As for the VGS system, as of Patch 5.3, it now has full VGS capabilities. Below are helpful visuals for both consoles for some of the main commands.

The full cheat-sheet for all consoles can be found HERE.

XBox VGS Commands

PlayStation VGS Commands

Tier Lists

Understand that tier lists are subjective. At the Pro level, god abilities and builds can be considered and analyzed almost to a science, but even at that level, things follow a trend. Trends (and the people that follow them!) can be fickle beasts, and each new game patch can alter the effectiveness of each god, item, build, etc.

The best way to consider a tier list may be as a general consideration of potential. Potential, though, depends not only on the god, but also on each player's skill level, the compositions of each team, and how well the teams work together.

At the casual level, then, there is a lot more leeway in everything. So, consult any tier list with discretion, but don't take it as gospel. Have fun, discuss with friends, and argue merits to your heart's content. That's part of what makes this game so fun!

Year 12 has just started, but there haven't been any updated lists that I have found since mid-2024, due to the shifting interest for SMITE 2. As there haven't been any god releases in a year, but there HAVE been item and god balances, take the below lists with a grain of salt.


2024/7/17: Weak3n's 11.7 TIER LIST - THESE ARE SOME HOT TAKES

References & Definitions

YouTube Channels, References & Tools

Here are some helpful YouTube & Twitch channels of various players/streamers, as well as general references and tools:

YouTube Channels

Twitch Channels

General References & Tools

Abbreviations & Terms

Here is a list of some of the abbreviations / terms that are used in this guide:

Abbreviations & Terms


So that's it! Thanks for reading! I hope it's been helpful and enjoyable. Please feel free to provide feedback...let me know if you think any information is incorrect (objectively, not subjectively), or if I've missed some key information or topics (though, keep in mind that this is meant mostly as an overview, rather than providing very specific gameplay elements). I update this guide regularly, so you're welcome to check back frequently!



The Overarching Series

Assault Guide

Conquest Guide


The original release was a collaborative project with input provided by multiple sources, including:

Post-Publishing Thanks
  • KingScuba (Super Moderator of the Official Smite Discord): Hawk eyes, expanding the lane minion section, other tips

  • Kriega1: variety of tips, build help, and general knowledge

  • Big Damage: variety of tips, build help, and general knowledge

  • Didacted: S8/S9 help with a large variety of topics

  • AmoralOne: S9 help with a large variety of topics

  • DukeSloth - Props for the guide, providing a slew of helpful videos for the general community, advising on hunter builds

  • Estidien (Salad): In-depth Jungler information for Season 4, and masterricu for general S4 feedback!

  • Daelinn: S3 gameplay videos as well as early review and feedback! Thanks also to Bullfrog323 and CakeSlapping for their reviews and additional feedback!

  • Duotem (SMITEFire & Reddit): In depth review and knowledge

  • Trilobyte15 (Reddit): Wide range of general tips

  • theghost28 (Reddit): Key points in the Solo role

  • Kelton The Great (Reddit): Minion spawn abilities affecting Towers, other details

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zer0g3 | February 20, 2023 3:39pm
Wow! Amazing work! Can't imagine the effort to put this together in such a great structure.
Well done! :)
Branmuffin17 (401) | February 20, 2023 6:48pm
Thanks zer0! It's definitely taken many hours out of my life =)
Husselbeh | January 9, 2023 2:38am
This guide is excellent. As a returning player it's helped me relearn that which I had forgotten and helped me get up to date with the general idea of the meta now. Thank you so much for this guide.

One question I have that I'm confused about is the coloured border for the god pictures. What does this mean? Is it possible to add a key to explain it? I thought it was about their meta role but it doesn't seem to line up like that properly so I was just curious :)

Other than that it's all good from my perspective! Thank you! :D
Branmuffin17 (401) | January 9, 2023 8:39am
Hi Husselbeh,

Honestly, the borders for the gods is just a fancy color's all based on chapter recognition. Green = ADC, Yellow = Supp, Orange = Jungler, Red = Mid, Purple = Solo.

The gods in each chapter are split in categories, main/meta and flex picks, and that's mostly based on historical function with a slight bent on more current considerations. It's not an indication of who's best in the meta right now, and for that I would suggest checking on current tier lists.

I do have a tier list chapter and you can watch some of the embedded videos there to see how gods are being ranked. Hopefully that's helpful for you, and thank you for the kind words!
daliymonster412 | September 12, 2022 9:11pm
hey i made a guide can some one help me with it.
it is a sun wukung called sun wukung taking out the trash
Branmuffin17 (401) | September 13, 2022 8:40am
Will comment on your guide.
MonolithPreacher (1) | August 26, 2022 11:18am
I have a question if I play ADC who should I focus? The tanks or their high dmg gods?
Branmuffin17 (401) | August 26, 2022 11:41am
Hi Monolith,

Thanks for the comment and question. Every engagement in a bigger team fight is going to be different, so it's difficult to say specifically. Here are some general considerations and rules to follow:
  • Your primary goal in any engagement is to do your best to stay alive. You will typically want to place yourself in what would be considered the back row of a fight. That said, if you stay too far back, you're not really going to be contributing much, so it's a fine balance and feel that you need to develop for your positioning. You also need to watch your sides and back for the potential of an enemy like a jungler to try to surprise you and burst you down quickly.

  • In the most likely situations, your closest enemy will be a tank of some type. It could be the support if they are aggressive initiators, or it could be the solo or a tankier jungler. If they are the only ones in range then you should probably attack them. In terms of consistent damage your output should be the biggest overall threat to them.

  • In the case that you've got a squishy target in range at the same time as a tanky target, almost always choose the squishy target. Their damage output is more of a threat to your team (and you in particular), and you can also kill them much more quickly than a tank.

  • Awareness definitely comes into play here, but if you have an opportunity to attack a nearby squishy target that's not quite in range but you could get there, and at the same time you have a tanky target on you, consider recent ability uses by the enemy. If the tank hasn't used abilities in a while, they may be the more immediate threat to you, either in damage or in CC of some type to take you out of the play or set their teammates up to kill you. If you know they've used those types of abilities recently, then you can likely expect to be safer to engage the squishy target.
Does this all make sense? Do you have any other questions?
MonolithPreacher (1) | August 29, 2022 3:35am
Wow thank you very much for the very detailed answer! And yes I have one more question. How much pen is ideal for a hunter? If the enemy team doesn't have more than 2 tank units
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Kriega1 (143) | March 8, 2022 1:17pm
Imo for the Standard / Meta Mid gods and Flex picks in Mid, move Hades to Flex, move Zhong to Standard
Branmuffin17 (401) | March 9, 2022 8:24am
Done, thanks Kriega!
weredawgz | December 24, 2021 2:45pm
thanks so much for this guide! wildly helpful already!
Kriega1 (143) | December 17, 2021 6:40am
Add Sol as a standard Mid lane god.
Branmuffin17 (401) | December 17, 2021 8:57am
Done. Forgot she wasn't there.
DarkonSA | September 26, 2021 2:12pm
Nice update, I'd like to have some things explicitly stated (they are implicitly) JG should not pull void or green. A support / carry void is part of the duo farm, and as a support you cannot optionally leave your adc to run way the heck back to pick up green. Leave it for support to pull with or without adc. The HP scaling on this camp is so low that most supports can pull with little effort.
Kriega1 (143) | December 17, 2021 6:41am
It's fine for Jungle to do green. If the Support doesen't pick it up it's not the end of the world.
DarkonSA | January 13, 2022 3:49am
Honestly, I'll disagree with you on that Void and Green are off limits to JG's farming them is flat out selfish, and supports cant just leave and traverse 1/2 the map because you farmed it.
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Branmuffin17 (401) | September 26, 2021 3:43pm
Agreed on the accuracy of all those points. I will try to give some more detailed instruction for junglers. Thanks for the comment!
Wulfbeard | August 13, 2021 3:35pm
Keep up the great work!
Branmuffin17 (401) | August 13, 2021 3:51pm
Thanks bud!
Branmuffin17 (401) | July 13, 2021 12:02pm
Hey everyone, the Conquest guide has been updated for the Mid-Season patch. There was quite a bit to update, so there may be mistakes or other things I didn't catch. I expect the meta to adjust so not sure if all starting item options listed are viable. If you'd like to review and provide feedback, it would be appreciated. Thanks!
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