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Sample S7 Conquest Builds, by Role

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by Razinak updated December 28, 2020

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This guide is a Work in Progress and I've chosen to publish it early to help some of my friends with what early information I've made available.

The goal of this guide is to provide sample builds for each role in Conquest to allow for newer players to focus on their role and get them familiar with strong items for that role.

For an in-depth Conquest guide, go here!

A Note on Sample Builds
I'm well aware that there is no one-size-fits-all in Smite. Of course substitutions could be made and some items are specifically better on some gods, but most of your bases are covered as the specified role with the sample builds I've supplied. At the end of each section, I'll be adding links to some of my god-specific builds & guides to help with specificity, and including some general good item alternatives for the role.


The typical Carry start is clearing the Purple buff camp with your Support, quickly grabbing the nearby Harpy XP camp with help from your Support's Hand of the Gods, and then getting to lane.

This sample start and build suits most hunters. Notable exceptions include Ullr and Neith.
Some hunters who could go for either the Spiked Gauntlet start or Morningstar (Ability-focused build) include Chiron, Cupid, and Ah Muzen Cab. Alternative builds for Carry can be found further down.


Hunter's Blessing Spiked Gauntlet Healing Potion x2 Multi Potion x2


Typical Hunter Build (Pen, Attack Speed)
Ninja Tabi Devourer's Gauntlet Atalanta's Bow Qin's Sais Odysseus' Bow Silverbranch Bow


Crit Hunter Build
Ninja Tabi Devourer's Gauntlet Atalanta's Bow Rage Wind DemonWind Demon Poisoned Star


Some Hunters are best played with a power build as they are more Ability-focused, such as earlier mentioned Neith, Ullr, and optionally Chiron, Cupid, and Ah Muzen Cab.

Starter (Ability-based Hunter)
Hunter's Blessing Spiked Gauntlet Healing Potion x2 Mana Potion x2


Ability-based Hunter Build
Warrior Tabi Transcendence Atalanta's Bow Asi Fail-Not Wind DemonWind Demon


As a Carry you also have the option to play as a magical ADC, which includes mages Sol, Olorun, Chronos, and Freya

Starter (Mage ADC)
Hunter's Blessing Emerald Ring Healing Potion x2 Mana Potion x2


Magical ADC Build
Shoes of the Magi Ring of Hecate Demonic Grip Telkhines Ring Rod of Tahuti Hastened Ring



The typical Support start is to complete the Purple buff camp with your Carry, quickly kill the single nearby Harpy camp using Hand of the Gods, and then go to wave.

Sample item builds below are for when you're playing a Guardian.


Guardian's Blessing Shoes Healing Potion x4 Hand of the Gods


Guardian Support Build
Shoes of Focus Gauntlet of Thebes Sovereignty Pestilence Relic Dagger Mantle of Discord



The typical Mid start is at the Speed buff camp (yellow) with your Jungler. Help them kill the camp and leave when it is nearly dead to head to your mid lane wave. Once your jungler joins you around wave two, rotate to yours or your opponents' Red buff camp which you will pick up once completed.

Notable mage exceptions to the norm: Anubis, Hades, Zhong Kui, and Magical ADC's.


Mage's Blessing Lost Artifact Healing Potion x2 Mana Potion x2

Mage Build
Shoes of Focus Doom Orb Spear of Desolation Soul Reaver Rod of Tahuti Ethereal Staff


There is also the potential to play a Hunter in the Mid lane. This includes strong ability-based hunters like Neith, Ah Muzen Cab, Cupid, Chiron, and Ullr.

Starter (Hunter)
Mage's Blessing Morningstar Healing Potion x2 Mana Potion x2


Hunter Mid Build
Warrior Tabi Transcendence Atalanta's Bow Fail-Not Heartseeker Asi


Related: Kukulkan Guide, Nu Wa Guide


The traditional start is to complete the Speed buff camp (which you pick up) with assistance from your Mid laner, then complete the Blue buff camp with your solo laner, and then complete the nearby XP camp quickly using Hand of the Gods, before joining your Mid laner to continue getting camps between waves with them, including their Red buff.

Notable assassin exceptions from the norm: Mercury. Guide to be added separately.


Assassin's Blessing Mace Healing Potion Hand of the Gods


Ability-based Build
Warrior Tabi Jotunn's Wrath Arondight The Sledge Heartseeker Magi's Cloak


AA-based Build
For gods like Bakasura, Kali, Arachne, Nemesis, & Erlang Shen
Ninja Tabi Hastened Katana The Crusher Stone Cutting Sword Magi's Cloak Bloodforge


Related: Serqet Guide, Bastet Guide, Ratatoskr Guide


The typical Solo laner start is at your Blue buff, where you will, with the help of your jungler, complete the buff camp which spawns at 30 seconds and take the buff before heading to your wave.


Warrior's Blessing Chalice of Healing Multi Potion


Warrior Hybrid Build
Warrior Tabi The Sledge Runic Shield Void Shield Spirit Robe Heartseeker


Warrior Tank Build
Warrior Tabi Stone of Gaia Genji's Guard The Sledge Spectral Armor Spirit Robe


Guardian Solo Build
Shoes of the Magi Breastplate of Valor Void Stone Genji's Guard Spear of the Magus Mantle of Discord


Related: Bruiser Guide (Cthluhu)

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Kriega1 (143) | December 5, 2020 9:23am
You should never be rushing Urchin after boots in Solo.
Razinak | December 19, 2020 1:21pm
It's funny, I hadn't done this myself but thought logically it would make sense being the stacking it requires. I assume the reason you say this is committing early to a stacking item puts you behind your opponent when they can choose to go into a specific item to counter you in solo. Though I am less concerned about such a thing happening and the severity of it at the low-elo this guide is aimed at, I think you are right to reconsider that item at that spot.

I am struggling to find a way to keep the Solo section simple while still including what's needed, so for now I replaced it with Stone of Gaia. Thanks.
Devampi (105) | December 20, 2020 4:39am
it has more to do with the way urchin stacks. it stacks on kills and assists and so will stack quicker during the teamfighting stage compared to the other 'traditional' stacking items that stack better during landing phase.

and as it's dual prot its usually not really needed as your opponent in lane often only does 1 type of damage making it an inefficient pick at that point.
Kriega1 (143) | December 19, 2020 2:56pm
Big Damage (37) | December 5, 2020 9:09am
Overall good sample builds. There are a few things that need correcting, and other smaller things that I would just suggest.

None of your core content is by no means bad, and I think it's a good take of work for people who don't want to look too in depth, these are just my criticisms to improve on.
Razinak | December 19, 2020 1:18pm
Hey there, thanks for the reply and constructive criticism. In making this guide for a couple friends getting into conquest, a goal (and ask of them) was to not overwhelm with options, and to provide a baseline for builds. With that in mind, I've made some simple changes (Mage's Blessing in mid for Hunter, whoops), and I appreciate your feedback. Most notably the Stone of Gaia addition made a lot of sense to me. This was actually a point of concern, in that the Solo lane can go so many directions with builds given the variety of gods who can play the role. I plan to add a little more to the Solo lane section, and also to make some specific guides for Solo lane gods, such as Bellona and Amaterasu. Additionally, I thought of breaking up build items based on lane opponent, but I'm not so sure I can do it in a manner that reads well with the limited formatting I'm using.

It was also my intention to provide a list of viable items that weren't included in the sample builds to help newer players get into the variety of items when they choose to. An optional bank of additional information. I still plan to add this in, as well as 7th item options, and your suggestions will be very helpful to that end.

I will be altering the ADC builds a little, but I do think that an ability-based hunter is what Fail-Not is made for (given the CDR and passive), which is also the best fit for Trans. Since this guide is tailored to lower-elo players, I think Crit is far better than a power/pen build for hunters, and I chose to exclude a Power/Pen build with Trans for that reason.

I acknowledge your concerns with the Mid builds, and think I can address most via the 7th item/alternative options pool, but I disagree with a small amount of the criticism. I think summarizing Ethereal Staff and Soul Reaver as "10% penetration" is dishonest given their passives. I feel that most mages make lousy tank-killers anyway, which is why I did not prioritize a high amount of %pen. I also feel Ethereal Staff is a solid, undervalued Hybrid item for new players trying to adjust to the fast-paced end game, while still adding to their late-game damage (via the power and passive). I will be sure to add additional pen items in the pool of 7th item or suggested alternatives, though.

I understand the concern with Doom Orb vs Chronos' Pendant, but I don't think overcapping CDR in the case of the Chronos' Pendant build is a big deal. You need the CDR from those items as you build them (on a CDR-dependent god, not worth going Magi Boots imo), and you'll lose the 10% of Mage's Blessing when you sell it. There's also the passives on Chronos' Pendant and Spear of Desolation that add to CDR regardless of over-capping.

Thanks for taking the time to read and provide helpful feedback. As a newer contributor to the site, it's appreciated.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Razinak
Sample S7 Conquest Builds, by Role
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